Night Terrors

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The Doctor and the Stone stood together in the console room of the TARDIS. Amy and Rory were drinking mint tea since the Stone thought it was a 'must' for everyone ti have at least tried it once. The Doctor winced and pulled out the psychic paper from his pocket. The Stone glanced over his shoulder watching curiously as the words appeared in what looked like a young childs writing. "Please save me from the monsters." The Doctor read out, his eyes moving over to the Time Lady. The two slightly smiling at a fond memory. "Well we haven't done this in a while. Have we dear?" He asked moving around the console, pressing buttons.

"We definitely haven't." She replied. Amy looked between them confused.

"Haven't done what?" The human redhead asked the Time Lady. "What are you two doing?"

"Making a house call." The Doctor answered passing by them. Standing beside the Stone who pulled a lever.

Amy and Rory stood outside frowning slightly in the cold and the dark. A huge puddle beside the TARDIS. The Doctor waited for the Stone who refused to leave without finishing the tea she had made before, deeming it as a 'waist of good tea if not drunken' the Doctor of course didn't argue because reading and in this incarnation, tea were the most important things to the Time Lady, other than the Doctor of course.

"No offence, Doctor-"

"Meaning the opposite." The Time Lord cut in stepping out of the TARDIS.

"But we could get a bus somewhere like this."

"The exact opposite."

"Well, I suppose it can't all be planets and history and stuff, Rory."

"Yes, it can." The Doctor protested walking past them. "Course it can. Planets and history and stuff. That's what we do. But not today. No." He linked his arm with the Stones. "Today, we're answering a cry for help from the scariest place in the universe. A child's bedroom."


"Please save me from the monsters?" Rory curiously looked at the psychic paper in the Doctors hand. "Who sent that?" He asked looking at the Time Lord who returned the paper to his pocket.

"That's what we're here to find out."

"Sounds like something a kid would say." Amy looked at her husband.

"Exactly." The Stone nodded. "A scared kid."

"A very scared kid." The Doctor added. "So scared that somehow its cry for help got through to us in the TARDIS."

"Yeah, but you've traced it here."

"Exactly." The Doctor said to his companion. The lift behind them then made a dinging noise and they all turned around. "Ah." He linked his arm with the Stones, the two of them stepping inside the lift. "Going up."

The Doctor, Amy and Rory went from flat to flat knocking on peoples doors and asking if anything 'strange' had happened. The Stone however watched from afar. She did try and suggest to the Doctor that maybe it was best for them to just watch like a nature show. As the Doctor knocked on a door that opened with three cats circling the Time Lords feet the Stone curiously watched the other side of the block of flats. Seeing a light shine though someones curtains. The Doctor managed to escape the kind man who had far to many cats and joined the Time Lady. His eyes following hers until they were both watching the light in silence. The curtains then moved and a young boys head popped out. He looked completely terrified and pale. The Stone took a mental note of the door number and they went in search for their companions.

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