First Night

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The Stone piloted the TARDIS to storm cage while the Doctor Pulled a lever before the box materialised and River walked in.

"The dress is a little daring..." the blonde muttered glancing at the dark purple dress hung up on the console.

The Stone rolled her eyes. "That's not yours." She shook her head. Her husband shook his head straightened his bowtie. River looked from the Doctor who was wearing his white fancy suit to the Stone who was still wearing her normal clothes. "Ah, that explains it, then."

"Yeah..." the Stone trailed off glancing over at her husband who gave her a sheepish look.

"Are we going out?" River asked.

"Your parents are asleep. How's Stormcage?"

"I'm on the first night of 12,000 consecutive life sentences, kind of early to say. Where are we going?" She asked.

"Calderon Beta." The Stone answered.

"Boring planet of the chip shops," the Doctor waved a hand, "but...there is a 400-foot tree growing out of a cliff top on the north side of a mountain in the middle of the sea. And, if you take the lift to the top and look up at exactly 12 minutes past midnight on the 21st of September 2360, you can see more stars in one sky than at any other moment in the history of the Universe. It's like daylight, only magic."

"You could read a book by it!" The Stone laughed as the Doctor beamed and wrapped an arm around his wife.

"Is it ok if I don't?" River frowned.

"We've got 10 minutes," the Doctor glanced at the watch in his wrist, "get dressed."

"Oh, that's so close to the perfect sentence." River smirked and looked at the Stone. "Does he usually get words muddled up like that?"

"He said that on purpose." The Time Lady rolled her eyes.

"Did you bring the diary?"

"It's a diary?" The blonde questioned.

The Stone nodded. "It is now, because River from now on, there are rules."

"Oh you've gone all strict, why do you have to be so boring?"

The Stone pinched the bridge of her nose. "River you and us do not meet properly, everything is in the wrong order, we never meet in sequence. You put everything in the diary so we know where we are."

"Put what in the diary? Sister, I'm in the highest security prison in all of the known Universe."

"River Song could walk in and out of that prison like the walls aren't there." The Doctor added.

"I'm River Song."

The Doctor nodded. "Then you'll be fine. Now go find something to wear, there's plenty in the wardrobe. First right, second left, just past the helter-skelter."

River headed down the corridor. The Stone shook her head at her husband. "I bet it's all confusing for her."

The Doctor raised a brow. "Do I usually say things in the wrong order?"

The Stone laughed and kissed his cheek. "Only when you get too excited." She smirked.

The Doctor laughed, the two Time Lords suddenly turned their heads to the TARDIS doors as they heard gunfire. They ran to the door and opened it and gasped when River fell into them.

"River!" The Time Lorde shouted.

"I knew you'd come back here you nostalgic idiots." She laughed at them.

River then fainted in their arms. The Time Lords stared at each other before lowering River Song to the floor. "River! River! River! River!" They both shouted over and over.

Times Will Change [6] (The Parallel Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now