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 I'm going to go back to one chapter a week with this new story. So expect a new chapter every SATURDAY!  


Life on Berk flourished greatly after the wedding of Hiccup and Astrid. Their Food Storage was never empty; it was always stocked full. People were happy; all but one. It was late at night; Hiccup sat slumped over in his chair; work papers scattered over the table in front of him. He sighed and ran his hand through his auburn hair. The roaring fire in the fireplace was the only light around. Hiccup sighed; his body and mind were exhausted. It was quiet except for the light footsteps of Astrid, his newlywed wife, as she came up to him with a cup of milk. Hiccup smiled up at her and she smiled at him. "You should get to bed," Astrid suggested.

Hiccup shook his head, "I've gotta finish this...It won't take too long."

"Fine," Astrid brushed the hair from his eyes, "Afterwards you should go for a flight. Stormy will be happy to take you."

Hiccup stopped what he was doing. He stared at the papers in front of him for a moment before shaking his head. "No thanks," he sighed, "I don't think I'll be flying anymore. Besides, I'm too busy."

Astrid was surprised by this. "But your Hiccup," she rubbed his back, "You're all about dragons! You can't not fly!"

"Not every dragon can fly," Hiccup reminded Astrid.

"Still," Astrid sighed.

"Just...forget about it," Hiccup asked her, "Please?"

Astrid looked worriedly at Hiccup. He was stressed with his work as Chief. It was obvious that he did nothing but work to distract himself; to make him forget about Toothless and move on. "You know," Astrid sat down next to Hiccup, "In two months Toothless' babies will be able to fly. He'll most likely come here to see you."

Hiccup looked at Astrid; as if she had just said a forbidden name; and now that she said it all of the memories that were made were going to come flooding back and make the emptiness Hiccup felt even emptier. "If he does, then that'll be great," Hiccup leaned back and stretched, "I think I'll go out for a walk, okay?"

"Don't be out all night," Astrid stood up and kissed Hiccups forehead. She then walked up the stairs to go to bed.

Hiccup stood up and pushed in his and Astrids chair. Everything was quiet except for the crackle of the fire and the snores of Stormy outside. A feeling came over Hiccup; something felt different. He couldn't quite place it, but, Hiccup noted that this night was extra quiet. Hiccup stepped out and the air was oddly chilly. It was normally cold on Berk, but the air felt colder than it usually did. There was no snow; it wasn't winter time. Hiccup scanned the village square; nobody was out. Hiccup walked down the steps, then wondered for a bit.

Hiccup walked by his mother's house. They had built her a house in the center of the village after Hiccup married. Cloudjumper lay sleeping in his nest-like bed. The dragons, soft snores vibrated through the air. The same feeling came to Hiccup; and he turned and looked towards the ocean. He couldn't tell; but something or someone was out there. He couldn't tell if that someone was good or bad; human or dragon. Hiccup looked up at the starry night sky. His mind went to Toothless. Luna told him that the babies hatched a week after he let Toothless go; three boys and three girls. Toothless had wanted Hiccup to name his kids; but Hiccup could only come up with four; Plasma, Jewels, Thora, and Stoick. Hiccup stretched his arms again, then got to work.


Later that day gathered her friends. "This better be quick," Snotlout crossed his arms, "Hookfang is needing a bath."

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