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Please leave a review! Also, if you do leave a review it may be a while before I could respond. I'm having Oral Surgery in a few hours and they said that they were willing to put me to sleep for it. I don't know when I'd be able to return to the computer to check for reviews. Hope you enjoy the chapter! 

Hiccup and the Woolly Howl put as much distance between them and the Hunters. "Think, think," Hiccup paced back and forth; wondering how he would stop those Dragon Hunters. He stopped and looked up when he heard the snicker of a Terrible Terror. There was an apple on the ground and the Terror was on one of the low hanging branches. Another Terror came by and saw the apple. It happily trotted over to get it, but was surprised when the first Terror sprang from the tree and tackled it; it's little prank successful. The two tussled on the ground and an idea came to Hiccup.

The Hunters checked each of their cages; every dragon was fine. But as they did their work it suddenly began to snow! "What the?" one of them looked up, but saw nothing but clouds.

"It's the middle of summer!" another questioned what was happening.

The Woolly Howl circled in the sky above the Hunters; it's tan belly camouflaging it. The dragon let out the weakest hail it could. It sprinkled the snowy hail down upon the Hunters. Now that their attention was on something else; Hiccup quietly crept into their camp. He carefully opened the cages and guided the dragons into the forest to freedom. Hiccup had opened the last cage when suddenly, "Hey! You! Stop!".

Hiccup spun around to see that the Hunters weren't paying attention to the random snowfall anymore. He bolted for the forest, but the Hunters were quick on his trail. Suddenly the Hunters heard a loud roar and turned to see the Woolly Howl dive bombing them. It blasted them with its hail, then picked Hiccup up with its front paws. They tried to escape, but the Hunters had started throwing nets and the Woolly Howls bulky body was making it hard to dodge them. The Woolly Howl barrel rolled, taking Hiccup by surprise, and threw him into the air. Hiccup landed with a thud on the dragons back; his back will feel that tomorrow.

Hiccup held on tight as the dragon picked up speed and swung this way and that to dodge the nets. He could tell that the dragon was pushing itself because of the strained grunts it was making. Just as it looked like they were getting out of there Hiccup looked back. He saw a Hunter fire a Dragon Root Arrow. It was going to hit the Woolly Howl! Without thinking Hiccup threw his arm in front of the Woollys back leg. The arrow head went through Hiccups leather armor and dug into his skin. Hiccup groaned at the pain and the Woolly Howl looked back at Hiccup; shocked by the selflessness.

Ten minutes later they landed on the far side of the island. The Woolly Howl landed and Hiccup fell off; the numbing effects of the arrow were quickly spreading throughout his body. He yanked it out and screamed at the pain. Hiccups arm was completely numb, but the rest of his body was fine; he got it out just in time! "Well, that went lovely..." Hiccup sighed, "But I doubt that's the end. I remember that they said something about a ship coming to get them. It probably has tons of trapped dragons in it. But how would we get get them out?"

As Hiccup continued to talk to himself in hopes of finding a solution the Woolly Howl sat there staring at his numb arm. He took the hit, the dragon could hardly believe that. The Woolly Howl walked over and nudged his numb arm. "Hm?" Hiccup looked at the dragon, "Oh don't worry. I'll regain use of it in a short while. Though, given the situation we're in that's not a good thing.". He stood up. The Woolly Howl looked at Hiccup as he got back to thinking out loud. It purred; ever grateful for his kind act.

"I had a dragon before. I loved him like a brother."

Hiccup tried to think of what to do when the Hunter ship came, but nothing was coming up. Out of the corner of his, eye he saw the Woolly Howl move; as if it was bowing. He was speechless to see that the dragon had touched his numb palm with its snout; forming a bond. The Woolly Howl purred and looked at Hiccup. He looked at its big purple eyes.

'My name,' the Woolly Howl spoke; revealing itself to be female, 'Is Winterwind.'

Hiccup turned and looked at Winterwind, "Uh...does the name mean you once had a Rider?"

'No,' Winterwind shook her head, 'It's what my friends call me. I've always flown around when it gets super cold and every other dragon is hidden away trying to stay warm.'

"I see," Hiccup looked at Winterwind. She smiled at Hiccup; showing her small tusks and sharp teeth. Hiccup had convinced himself that if he got a new dragon he would instantly regret it; that he should hate himself for getting another one. But, as he smiled back at Winterwind, he felt like his old self. He felt the part of him that left when he let Toothless go come back to him stronger than it was before. Hiccup quickly climbed onto Winterwinds back. "Time to show these Hunters who they're messing with," He smiled.

' you have a plan?' Winterwind asked.

Before Hiccup could respond, he heard the loud roar of a titan Deadly Nadder behind him. He turned to see Astrid, Kari, and the other Riders flying in. "Hiccup!" Astrids heart swelled up with joy, "You're on the dragons back! Does this mean..."

Winterwind flew up to greet them in the air. "Yes," Hiccup chuckled, "It does. This is Winterwind. But right now we need to focus on these Dragon Hunters that are on this island."

"Hunters!?" Snotlout sighed, "Again!?"

"Yeah...again," Hiccup sighed with him, "I was able to free the dragons they had trapped, but I overheard them say something about a ship coming to get them. There may be dragons on that ship."

"Waaaay ahead of you Hiccup!"

Hiccup looked up to see Luna flying behind the others. He smiled when he saw the dragons that she had brought with her. Things were about to get interesting...


There's a good friend of mine named WhispertheWolf. Her favorite dragon is the Woolly Howl so yeah I put her own Woolly Howl into the story! Though, she doesn't come on this site that often so I dunno if she'll get to read this.

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