A Light On the Situation

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Sunlight shone brightly over the calm Northern waters. Hiccup awoke and stretched his arms; he heard the breaching of wild Thunderdrums in the water below and he quickly remembered the situation he was currently in. He stood up and looked around; no Woolly Howl. "Did it forget that it kidnapped me?" Hiccup wondered out loud. But then Hiccup was answered when the dragon came roaring to him. It landed with a loud thud in front of him. "Wa-What do you have in your mouth?" Hiccup squinted his eyes, "Are those...rocks?"

The dragon smiled at him; confirming that it was rocks that it had. Before Hiccup could figure out why the Woolly Howl came over; grabbed his arm by its mouth, and took off again. It must of been holding those rocks near the back of its mouth since it was able to keep a good grip on Hiccups arm. As they flew it got colder. Hiccups stomach growled an hour later. The dragon took notice, but continued flying. Soon they came upon an island. The Woolly Howl flew into the islands forest a bit before releasing Hiccup. "Okay," Hiccup looked around, "Now what?". The dragon landed and began walking further into the forest. Hiccup followed; and after a small bit Hiccup started to hear the sounds of a dragon; more specifically a Gronckle.

They entered a clearing and Hiccup saw a Gronckle; caught in the horrible trap of a Dragon Hunter. Hiccup ran over to the poor dragon. The trap didn't look that complicated; except for the fact that it was dragon proof. "Okay, I see. You wanted me to help your friend," Hiccup turned back to the Woolly Howl in time to see it drop the rocks in front of the Gronckle. The trapped dragon smiled at the meal its friend had given it. It gobbled it up in five seconds. Hiccup smiled at the kindness of the Woolly Howl; then turned around and got out Inferno, ready to break the trap.

The Woolly Howl, startled by the sudden flame of Inferno, jumped back. "No, no," Hiccup reassured, "It's okay. I'm gonna use this to free your friend." Hiccup examined the trap and found a weak spot. He sprayed some Zippleback gas around it then ignited it. The gas exploded in a small "boom" and the trap fell apart. Hiccup waved his hand to get rid of the smoke and coughed, "See? It wasn't that bad." Hiccup returned Inferno to his side and pulled off the chains attached to the Gronckles leg. Happier and now free the dragon bounced over to him and licked his face. "Okay! Okay!" Hiccup chuckled as he kindly pushed the dragon away, "Your welcome."

The Woolly Howl walked over to Hiccup. "You know. I admire that fact that you flew so far to help your friend," Hiccup told the Woolly Howl. The dragon took the compliment. Then it gently took Hiccups hand in its mouth and pulled him in a direction. "What is it?" Hiccup asked, "Are there more trapped dragons?". The Woolly Howl let Hiccup go and trotted off into the forest. Hiccup followed it for about a mile until they came upon a secluded beach. Hiccup crouched when he saw a group of people standing there.

"When does the boat come back to get us?" one of them asked his friends.

"Should be tonight," one of them answered him, "I don't think there are any Dragon Riders way out here to stop us too!"

Hiccup stepped back. "Wonderful," Hiccup whispered, "You know; after Dragos death you'd think Dragon Hunters would be too scared to hunt in this Archipelago. Even if it's in the middle of nowhere." The Woolly Howl looked at Hiccup; wondering if he had a plan to stop them. "I'm definitely going to need the other Dragon Riders," Hiccup whispered his plan, "Can't fight them on the ground; too many of them."

The Woolly Howl stepped closer when Hiccup said "on the ground". It nudged his shoulder and Hiccup looked at the dragon. It widened its pupils and cocked its head at him; as if it was saying "I'm a dragon!". Hiccup held out his hand; and the Woolly Howls snout grew closer. But Hiccup quickly pulled his hand back. "It's...It's not you," he told the dragon, "It's just...well...I had a dragon before. He helped show me the truth about dragons and end the war between my people and dragons. I loved him like a brother. Then...I had to let him go so he could be a dad. And, I guess, that I'm scared that if I get a new dragon I'll...forget about Toothless.". Hiccup had never admitted that to anyone, not even Astrid. He wasn't sure why he never did; but saying it now did make him feel better. I'll admit, I have been distracting myself so I wouldn't have to deal with the fact that Toothless was gone, Hiccup thought, I guess Astrid picked up on that...I only agreed to try those dragons out so that I could ease their minds. I don't need them worrying about me; especially if something big were to happen.

Hiccup was startled when he felt the Woolly Howl wrap its wing around him; like how Toothless use to do. It purred and nuzzled his cheek. "Funny," Hiccup smiled at the dragon, "Last night you won't let me anywhere near you. Did my sad story give you a change of heart?". The Woolly Howl snorted its cold breath on Hiccup then spun around and ran back a bit. It looked back at him, then motioned for him to come on. "Yeah, your right," Hiccup stood up, but stayed low so the Hunters wouldn't see him, "If we're going to make a plan we'll need to be far from them.". Hiccup and the Woolly Howl quickly, but quietly, rushed off to the other side of the island away from the Hunters. There was only about ten of them, but if Hiccup was going to stop them from hunting the dragons on this island, he was going to have to come up with a plan and quick!


About a mile from the island Astrid and the others flew over the ocean; hoping to spot Hiccup. "What would a Woolly Howl want with Hiccup?" Fishlegs asked.

"I dunno," Astrid scanned the sea, "It doesn't help that we've never really have been able to study one. So we don't know much about their behavior. It could be anything!"

"Invasive species of dragon?" Fishlegs suggested.

"Dragon Hunters?" Kari suggested.

"Whatever it is," Astrid sighed; tired from the long flight, "I hope we get to him before it gets out of hand. He doesn't have a dragon to ride." She pushed away the thought of finding her husband hurt; or worse. Astrid shook her head, Focus!

'Island incoming!' Stormy told everyone, 'Both Hiccups scent and the Woolly Howls goes to it.'

"Perfect!" Astrid smiled, "Now let's find Hiccup!"

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