Hiccup's Perfect World

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I hope you enjoyed reading my stories of this series! Alright, I do have an idea for a new HTTYD story, but not all of it. It'll be called "How to Train Your Dragon: Dragon Ambassador" and has Toothless as it's main character. It's completely separate from the stories I've written. I'll work on the first few chapter over the next couple of weeks. So, keep an eye on me if you want to read it!  


Nighttime was casted over Berk with a chill from Winter. It was a couple of hours before the sun would come up; and every soul on the Isle of Berk was fast asleep. Winterwind lad on her back with a loud snore in her pen. One of her back legs twitched as she dreamed of flight. Her pen was a few feet away from Hiccups house. Inside the house Hiccup and Astrid laid sound asleep. Hiccup rolled over in sleep, tired from the previous days work.

The quietness of the night was interrupted by the sound of something flying above the house. Then there was the sound of it landing with a thud on the roof. That thing revealed itself to be a dragon when it crooned loudly and gently bounced its front paws on the roof. Hiccup, awoke from the noise, pulled the blanket over his head. It was too early to be away; even for a Chief!

The dragon continued to croon and bounce. It wasn't until a few minutes later when the realization made Hiccup throw the covers off him and nearly jump out of bed. "Toothless!?" he smiled.

"Mmmmm...Get 'em boy..." Astrid mumbled in her sleep.

Hiccup carefully stood up and quickly went down the stairs. The front door flew open and Hiccup ran out into the cold snow. He turned around and looked up at the roof. "Toothless!" he called out. Hiccup laughed and hugged his best friend and the dragon nuzzled him. Then Toothless started licking Hiccup. "Aww! Come on!" Hiccup pushed Toothless away, stood up, and flicked some of the saliva off, "You know that doesn't was out!". Toothless chuckled.

The Night Fury sat down in the snow. 'So...how has everybody been?' Toothless asked.

"Good," Hiccup wiped his hand clean, "What are you doing here? I thought-"

'I can visit,' Toothless explained, 'Now that the kids are flying. Though...I won't be able to visit every day since the Night Warriors live soooo far away.'

"Understandable," Hiccup chuckled before giving Toothless a hug, 'So...is there a reason why you woke me up early?"

'Uncle Hicci!'

Hiccup turned in time to see a small horde of baby Night Furies flying towards him. All six crowded around his face and started licking. "No!" Hiccup laughed while trying to cover his face, "S-Stop!". Hiccup fell back and landed on the soft snow.

'Come on guys,' their father Toothless chuckled, 'That's enough. He needs to breath!'

The little ones stopped their licking and sat down on the ground. 'Daddy talked a lot about you Uncle Hicci!' Jewels nuzzled up against Hiccups abdomen.

Hiccup smiled as he rubbed her head. "So...how about a flight?" Hiccup asked Toothless, "For old time sake?"

'I was hoping that you'd ask that!' Toothless turned and ran over to the side of Hiccup's house. He came back with something metal in this mouth. Hiccup recognized it immediately; it was his old saddle and tail fin. Hiccup smiled, having seen this scene before, and stood.


A few hours later Astrid awoke to an empty house. "Huh?' she yawned, "Usually I'm the first to wake up." Astrid stretched her arms then stood up. She made the covers then walked down the stairs. "Hiccup?" she called out, "Uh...Hiccup?". Astrid slowly stepped outside, the sun would be up in an hour. She shivered from the cold. But as she turned to go back inside and find something warmer to wear Astrid was yanked from the ground by a dragon. She screamed and kicked her legs. "Toothless!?" Astrid gasped when she looked up. The Night Fury cocked his head towards her and gave her his signature toothless smile.

"Good morning," Hiccup smiled from the Toothless' back, "Are you fully awake now?"

"Hiccup!" Astrid chuckled.

'Auntie!' the baby Night Furies cheered as they circled around a dangling Astrid.

"Now hold guys," Hiccup said, "I don't think Aunite Astrid is fully awake. She might need some water to splash in her face."

"Wait...what?" Astrid looked down to see the cam sea below her, "Wait! No! Hiccup!"

Suddenly Toothless released his grip and Astrid fell through the air and hit the cold water. Hiccup chuckled to himself. "How much trouble do you think I'll be in?" he asked Toothless.

Toothless watched as Astrid popped out of the water; rage on her face. 'A lot,' he answered before taking off into the brightening sky.

The End

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