Pick Your Dragon

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The next morning Astrid was out feeding Stormy when Hiccup came up to her. "Astrid," he sighed, "I gave it some thought. And I'm willing to try the dragons. But that doesn't mean I'm going to pick any, okay?"

Astrid spun around; a smile on her face. "That's great!" she hugged him, "I'll go get everyone!" She took off towards the village.

It was very early in the morning; so Hiccup would be able to try riding the dragons then get to his work. It took a bit to fully wake the Dragon Riders and get them up and heading to the Arena. All the Riders stood in front of the dragons they picked out; except for Ruffnut and Tuffnut; who had yet to find Snip and Snap. The Monstrous Nightmare that Snotlout had picked stood there with an angry snarl; steam blasting out of his nose. Then he fired at Snotlout; who managed to dodge just in time.

Hiccup moved on to the next dragon.

The Shovelhelm purred and nestled Hiccup. She was sweet dragon. 'I noticed that your Food Storage is filled to the brim,' she said, 'Might I suggest building a new one where Mildew use to live? I can see the possibility of building two there actually.' Hiccup smiled at her; she seemed very promising.

"Where Mildew use to live?" Snotlout snickered, "His old house is far away! Not everybody here rides a dragon! That's a dumb idea!"

The Shovelhelm stepped back; her feelings hurt. then she let out a high pitched cry that caused everyone to cover their ears. "Next!" Hiccup shouted.

After forcing Snotlout to apologize they moved onto the Thunderdrum. "Easy big guy," Andres held out a hand. The grumpy Tidal Class dragon growled and looked around; not happy with where he was. When the dragon noticed Andres he flicked his tail and sent the him flying across the Arena. Then he flew away as fast as he could.

"Right," Hiccup wasn't sure on what to make of what just happened, "Next..."

A few minutes later Hiccup was up in the air on Sandy. He had grown much taller since he last rode her. Was she always this small?

"See," Kari smiled as she flew up next to him on Striker, "Just like last time."

"Last time I was on her we were running for our lives!" Hiccup reminded her.

Things were going fine for a few minutes. But then suddenly he felt as if someone was watching him. He looked around; nobody. Hiccup turned back around to focus on flying when a medium sized hail ball flew past him. Both Hiccup and Kari glanced up, but saw nothing. "What in the world was that?" Kari wondered.

It wasn't two seconds later when they heard a loud roar come from behind them. They turned to see what it was, but then a fast moving brown figure shot past them; causing Sandy to spin out of control. "Whoa!" Hiccup screamed. Sandy and Hiccup fell out the sky and crashed through the roof of a dragon pen. They landed on soft hay.

Kari flew down to see if he was okay; but then the figure returned and landed in the middle of the square. People jumped back and children screamed at the sudden appearance of a dragon. It was a Woolly Howl! The winter dragon roared loudly flung its head this way and that; clearly upset about something.

Hiccup jumped up quickly; he had to do something. Then it hit him. This was the dragon he saw. This was the dragon he was feeling when he suddenly felt very cold.

"Fate is trying to tell you something."

Hiccup stepped towards the Woolly Howl; hand outstretched. If he was going to know what the dragon was saying he had to make a bond. When the dragon noticed Hiccup it let out a low growl. "It's okay," Hiccup said softly. Their eyes locked; neither daring to look away. "It's okay," Hiccup repeated, "I'm a friend. Tell me what's wrong. I want to help."

The Woolly Howl stopped growling and all anger left it. It took a step closer to Hiccup; not breaking eye contact. It was as if time as stopped; it was just Hiccup and the Woolly Howl. The dragon blinked and stepped closer. Hiccup smiled; thinking that the dragon was going to accept him. But then, the dragon opened its wings and lunged at him. It grabbed Hiccup by his arm and flew off into the air.

"Hiccup!" Astrid screamed. The Dragon Riders jumped on their dragons and took off after the Woolly Howl.

"Whoa!" Hiccup dangled in the air, "Whoa big fella! Whoa!"

The dragon flew wildly; zigzagging through the sea stacks. Suddenly the Woolly Howl took a sharp right; just as Stormy fired at it. Then it climbed higher and higher into the sky. The Riders tried to follow it, but the tan belly camouflaged into the clouds above.

"Hiccup!" Astrid shouted, "Hiccup where are you!?"

'I've got his scent!' Stormy said.

"Follow it!" Astrid and the other Riders flew off; following the scent. Astrid prayed for Hiccups safety. She tried to understand why the Woolly Howl suddenly snatched him up, but nothing came. As they continued to fly Berk grew smaller and smaller and soon there was nothing but ocean.

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