A Babies First Taste of Flight

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It was a few days later when the The Drop event began. Hiccup didn't expect it to be much; which is why he was shocked to see a full blown celebration. Snow had just began to fall as well. So the decorations were constantly getting pilled on; requiring the villagers to sweep the snow away. "I get that they're Night Furies," Hiccup scanned the village, "But...is this really worth all of...this?".

"Very," Luna responded, "And I'm surprised that you, an outsider that has rode on one, would even ask that. Now, come on. Ten females laid eggs around the same time as Raven did so we may be up this mountain for a while. Best to go early and find a good spot to sit or stand."

After an hour hike up the mountain the reached the spot. Hiccup eyed the cliff. There were no edges poking out; just a steep drop with a lake at the bottom. It almost looked like this cliff face was made specifically for this purpose. There were a couple of Night Furies sitting at the lakes edge; none appeared to be Raven's family.


Hiccup turned around to see Toothless bouncing towards him with glee. They met with a hug. "Hey bud," Hiccup smiled and rubbed Toothless' head, "You took off so fast last time I didn't even get to ask how you've been."

'Eh...a little boring,' Toothless admitted, 'Some dragons just won't get along. And I have to break them up.'

Hiccup chuckled, "Sounds like we're living a similar life."


Two hours later, the rest of the village gathered near the cliff face; excited to see young Night Furies take they're first flight. The villagers sat bundled together a little far from the actual cliff; as to not agitate the wild mothers. And then it began. Ten mother Night Furies appeared at the cliff with they're young. Individually, they picked up one of they're babies by the back of their necks; similar to how a mother cat would to her kittens. A mother carefully walked over to the edge. She spotted her mate down by the lake side; ready to bring back up any that don't fly on their first try.

Hiccup held his breath when the mother let go. The baby flapped its wings hard and after a few tense seconds it shot back up and flew high into the air. The crowd cheered as more babies were dropped; some taking flight while others hit the lake. Those little ones were brought back up my they're father.

"Are the mothers really okay with so many humans being here?" Hiccup asked.

"Well there is a reason we watch from far away," Luna explained, "Normally only my immediate family are allowed to come up here. But The Drop allows the others to come."

Hiccup sighed, "I think I'm not getting the excitement or joy since I'm not native here."

"Understandable," Luna smiled, "Oh look! There's Raven!"

Hiccup looked back to the cliff to see Raven dangling a fidgety Stoick over tee edge. Luna said that he has always been an energetic little dragon. The little dragon flicked his tail and pawed at the air before his mother let go. Stoick flapped his wings hard and swung his tail. He roared out and did a barrel roll mid air before hitting the water.

"Aww man,"Luna sighed, "I thought he'd fly on his first try."

Hiccup watched Toothless jump into the lake and swim over to a dog paddling Stoick. The baby dragon looked up at his dad and Toothless smiled a him before picking him up by the neck a flying back up. Hiccup smiled, "I guess in their eyes it's like watching your baby take its first steps."

"Ahh!" Luna smiled, "Now your getting it!"

As the day continued Hiccup and the Night Warriors watched the baby Night Furies try to take flight. Many hit the lake, but their fathers were there to help them. And as Hiccup sat watching he slowly began to understand; with every baby that flies the species gets stronger; just like the Night Warriors. And just like with the people back on Berk.

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