The Baseball Game

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  It had been a week since Whizzer had come back into Marvin's life, and Marvin's drastically getting rid of old habits.

  First of all, with the help of Whizzer, all the remaining bottles of alcohol were tossed out and forgotten. Besides, Marvin didn't need them anymore.

  Marvin's attendance at work got better, with him actually stepping into the office five days a week instead of his recently common three days on a good week. He started smiling more often, and the house was back to staying clean and not ridden with empty liquor bottles and tear-filled tissues.

  Surprising how much can change because of one person.

  "What're you thinkin' about, Marv?" Whizzer asks one Friday morning as they're cuddled up on the couch, taking advantage of the one Friday Marvin actually has off of work by watching their favorite movies and making bullshit commentary.

  Marvin shakes his head, trying his best not to laugh. "Nothing, life was completely falling apart. I was so depressed, so lonely...I dunno, it's like I was given another chance. I got another chance to love you."

  "That's really gay, Marv." Whizzer mutters, flashing a bright smile that never fails to make Marvin's knees weak.

  "Well, I am really gay. So are you, that's kinda how this type of relationship works."

  Suddenly, the phone rings and Whizzer stands up with a sigh. "Got it." He walks over to the phone, picking it up and holding it to his ear. "Hello?"


  Whizzer's eyes widen as he turns to his lover, mouthing the words, "It's Trina."

  Marvin tenses up in shock at the fact that his dead boyfriend just answered the fucking phone and his ex-wife was on the other line, and instantly jumps up to take the phone from Whizzer. "Hey, Trina. What's going on?"

  "Marvin, is there someone else over at your house?"

  Marvin bites his lip, mentally kicking himself for letting Whizzer answer the phone in the first place. "No no, it's just me."

  "Because I could've sworn someone else answered the phone and they sounded just like- anyway, I was just calling to let you know that baseball season started up for Jason again a while back, and his first game is tonight. It would mean a lot if you were to come with us."

  "Yeah, sure, of course. I wouldn't miss it."

  "R-Really? You've always said how much you hate baseball." Trina says, sounding clearly surprised by Marvin's quick agreement.

  "I may hate baseball, but I love my son. Besides, it's been awhile since I've gone outside other than the commute to work and back home. It'll be good to get some form of fresh air."

  "Are you feeling okay Marvin? Are you on some kind of medication?"

  Marvin is shocked by her question, furrowing his brows slightly. "What? No, of course not, why do you ask?"

  Trina sighs quietly. "I don't just seem off. Different from the way you've been these past few months."

  Marvin takes a deep breath. "I guess I'm taking Mendel's advice and trying to pick myself up. Anyway, I have to go. I'll see you all at five?"

  "Uh, y-yes. Yes, at five. Bye, Marvin."

  "Bye." Marvin hangs up, and Whizzer begins to laugh loudly.

  "OH MY GOD SHE THOUGHT YOU HAD A GUY OVER." He shouts through his loud laughs, body shaking with laughter. Marvin crosses his arms, glaring over at his lover sternly.

  "It's not funny, you prick, she thinks there's something wrong with me. I bet you they're gonna question me as soon as I show up."

  "Ooh, can I go to Jason's game too? I literally missed half of his season last time. 'Cause, y'know, I was too busy dying and all." Whizzer replies with a chuckle, although he's noticed Marvin flinches every time he mentions his death.

  "Not no, but hell no. I don't want to be responsible for five individual heart attacks if they see you."

  "Oh, c'mon Marv, I'll stay perfectly hidden! Please! I mean, it's not like you have much of a choice anyway. I could always walk there after you leave."

  After a moment, Marvin exhales dramatically in defeat. "Fine, you can go, but if you so much as show yourself even the tiniest bit I will not hesitate to murder you."

  "I told you that your threats are bullshit. I'm already dead, dummy." Whizzer laughs, and Marvin rolls his eyes.

  "I actually hate you."

  "No, you don't."

  "No, I don't."


  By the time Marvin shows up at the baseball game, it's 4:50 and everyone is already in their spot on the bleachers. Trina's eyes widened as she spots her ex-husband walking towards the group.

  "Marvin, you're early...for once in your life. Are you sure you're okay?"

  "I'm fine, Trina. I swear, I'm just...finding myself again." Marvin smiles, causing the entire group to jump slightly in surprise.

  "Trina said you had a mystery man in your house this morning."

  Marvin's breath catches in his throat as his eyes scan the field for his son. "No, there wasn't. It was just me." Everyone looks so disappointed, so for the sake of conversation, Marvin continues the conversation. "But this guy at work asked me out for coffee."

  Cordelia immediately perks up at Marvin's mention of another man. "Oooh, is he cute?" She asks, her voice going from talking to a teasing singsong.

  "I mean...he's not unattractive."

  The group of supposed "adults" begin to tease Marvin until Mendel speaks up. "So, did you go out for coffee yet, or?"

  Marvin coughs, looking down. "I uh...I actually told him I'd get back to him." Before anyone could protest, Marvin turns his attention back to the now starting game. "Oh look, Jason's batting!"

  The adults begin to cheer, and Marvin's smile widens as he watches his son standing there with the bat in his hands until he notices the boy's face fall and bat drop to the ground.

  The next thing Marvin knows, his son is breaking down into sobs right there on the baseball field.

  Turning to his friends with a concerned glance, he takes it upon himself to stand up and rush to the field, bending down to look his crying child in the eye. "Jason, what's wrong, kid?" He asks worriedly. This was strange. Jason wasn't really the type of kid to cry over nothing, so if he was upset, something was definitely wrong.

  "He was here for my first game last year...I used to remember the sound of him cheering me on...I can't hear it anymore...:" Jason trails off, sniffling and wiping his eyes on his sleeve. "I can't even remember the sound of his voice anymore, Dad."

  Marvin swears that his heart just shattered. He pulls Jason into a tight hug, rubbing the boy's back as he sobbed heavily into his father's shirt. A few tears run down Marvin's cheeks involuntarily, and he looks up for just a moment to see Whizzer peeking behind a fence with a horrified look on his face.

  "Don't you fucking dare," Marvin mouths to Whizzer in a warning, "We'll talk about this later."

  After a moment, Jason pulls away, wiping all of his tears away quickly. "Alright, I think I'm okay now..."

  "You sure, kid?" Marvin asks to make sure, still a little more than worried about his son.

  "Yeah, I just wanna get this game over so I can go home and spend the weekend with you," Jason responds with a shaky sigh. Marvin nods and pulls Jason into another hug before stepping off of the field and back to the bleachers, his heart heavy and an uneasy feeling in his stomach.

  Turns out he wasn't the only one who missed Whizzer, and Marvin hadn't even bothered to notice how much Jason was breaking down without him.

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