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  "Oh my God, what do we do? Damn it, this is exactly why I didn't want him to see you!" Marvin groans, crouching down to his son's side and looking over him.

  "Hey, I didn't make him walk in. You can't blame me for this one." Whizzer states calmly as he gets up from the bed to walk over and kneel beside Marvin.

  "I'm not blaming you. Ugh, what do we do?"

  Whizzer sighs, running a hand through his hair in thought. "Put him in his bed. If he says anything when he comes to, just tell him it was probably a dream."

  Marvin hesitates and takes a deep breath. "I hate lying to him. It makes me feel sick."

  "Well, would you rather him know?" Whizzer asks tentatively as he looks between his lover and the still unconscious boy on the floor. Marvin shrugs as little.

  "I don't know. I don't want to lie to him, but I also don't want to permanently scar the poor kid."

  Whizzer nods, scooping Jason up in his arms and walking towards his room. "Wait until he wakes up. If he mentions it, do what you think is right." He suggests as he sets the boy on his bed, covering him up with a blanket and leaving the room. "I'll hide for a bit when he wakes up so you can decide what you want to do."

  Marvin nods, following Whizzer back to their room. "God, he's gonna think I'm mental."

  "You are mental, Marv," Whizzer responds with a laugh, sitting back down on the bed.

  "Well, thanks a lot." Marvin scoffs before climbing under the covers. After a moment of silence, he quietly spoke. " might want to... y'know...just in case Jason wakes up and comes back in here..."

  Whizzer sighs and nods in agreement before pressing a soft kiss to Marvin's lips and fading out.

  Marvin doesn't quite know why seeing Whizzer disappear hurts him every time it happens, but he does know that sleeping is a lot harder without his lover's arms firmly around his waist.


  It isn't until Sunday night when Jason mentions the incident.

  Marvin's in the kitchen, doing the dinner dishes when his son walks in.

  "Dad...can we talk?" Jason asks quietly, an unreadable expression on his face.

  Marvin tilts his head a little in confusion, but nods and leads Jason to the living room so both of them could take a seat. "What's on your mind, kid?"

  "I had a really weird dream the other night...Whizzer was in your room, and he looked completely fine. Then I freaked out and I woke up, still in my bed." Jason explains, looking down and playing with his hands as he speaks.

  The older man wants to lie, he wants nothing more than to tell Jason everything's gonna be okay and that they're gonna get through it, but seeing the way his son is barely keeping himself together is enough to make him snap.

  "Whizzer? Get in here." Marvin calls out, causing Jason to look at his father with wide eyes.

  "Dad, he's not here. Are you going crazy? Mom said she was getting worried about you."

  Marvin takes a deep breath, standing from the couch and walking into the kitchen. "Whizzer, c'mon, where are you?" He turns around to see Whizzer leaning against the counter.

  "What if I hang around in here a little longer? Make Jason genuinely believe that you're delusional."

  Marvin rolls his eyes, smacking Whizzer's arm playfully. "Damn it, this is not a joking matter. Now, come on."

  Whizzer hesitates for a little longer than intended, looking Marvin in the eye. "Are you absolutely sure?"

  "Yes, it's only a matter of time before he either figures it out or thinks I'm actually going crazy. I don't want another incident like the other night."

  Nodding, Whizzer kisses Marvin's cheek and follows him out to the living room, where Jason's face pales once more in shock.

  "Oh my god I'm hallucinating."

  "Look at that Marv, he really is your son," Whizzer mutters, reminding Marvin that those words were one of the first ones he said upon seeing Whizzer again.

  "Shut up, we have explaining to do."

  "Alright...Jason, I'm dead."

  "Wow, way to soften the blow, idiot."

  "I'm sorry, would you like to tell the story?"

  Marvin throws his hands up in defeat before taking a seat next to Jason to comfort him.

  Whizzer tells Jason as much as he could. Dying, waking up at home, his struggles of making himself visible, all the way up to where Jason saw him on Friday night. He leaves out the details of his father's alcoholism and him bringing home a gun, mostly because it isn't a major detail for a child and also because Whizzer doesn't want to traumatize the poor kid even more than he already has to.

  When he finishes, Jason just sits there, looking between Marvin and Whizzer with a blank stare.

  "'re a ghost...but we can see you..."

  Whizzer nods. "That's right, kiddo."

  Jason bites his lip, tears prickling his eyes and threatening to spill down his cheeks. "Can I hug you or will my arms just go right through you?"

  Whizzer and Marvin both laugh a little. "C'mere," Whizzer whispers with a tiny sniffle, holding his arms out to hug the kid. Jason immediately jumps into Whizzer's arms, desperately trying not to cry and failing miserably.

  "Does everyone know?"

  Marvin shakes his head. "No, just you and I."

  "Why not everyone else? Mom and Mendel are total wrecks! Don't even get me started on Charlotte and Cordelia."

  Whizzer looks at Marvin with an indescribable expression, prompting Marvin to audibly sigh.

  "Go get your stuff together. Your mom and Mendel should be here any minute." Just then, the doorbell rings and Jason runs to his bedroom to grab his stuff. Whizzer immediately runs to the kitchen and Marvin opens the front door with a smile.

  "Hey Trina, Mendel. Jason's grabbing his stuff now."

  Trina nods and thanks Marvin when he invites the two adults in. Jason comes back in a few moments later with his backpack, glancing at his father with a confused look on his face.

  "Where's Whizzer?" He asks, accidentally forgetting his mother and stepfather are standing there, completely clueless to the situation.

  Trina frowns at Mendel and Marvin before moving close to her son. "Jason, honey, you know where Whizzer is."

  Marvin winces a little, mentally facepalming at how quickly everything's beginning to go downhill. "Damn it." He walks close to the kitchen doorframe and taps it a couple times. "Whizzer, c'mon, might as well tell them now too."

  Trina and Mendel share a concerned look before Mendel walks close to Marvin, resting a hand on the man's shoulder comfortingly. "Marvin, are you alright? Maybe you should see a doctor or another psychiatrist or- ...holy shit..."

  The entire room is silent as Whizzer emerges from the kitchen, a half smile on his face.

  "Uh, Hi...I can explain?"

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