Set the Ferris Wheel Ablaze

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"T's so unfair," Gerard grunted from beneath his Star Wars comforter. "Damn the sun." He glared at the tiny window in the basement emitting golden sunshine.

"That has to be the most emo thing I've ever heard," Mikey deadpanned. Gerard glared at his brother and continued his rant on how "the sun should just fuck off!"

"Why do you guys have to leave me? Why're all the fun things during the summer? This fucking sucks," Gerard whined. He plopped face forward onto his bed where he previously sat crisscrossed like a toddler hiding under the covers.

" dramatic," Mikey muttered under his breath, "I'm sorry, Gee, but we'll be back soon and we'll even bring you back some cotton candy." He sympathized with his brother. He knew Gerard used to love going to the county fair.

Frank and Ray apologized as well, adding how they won't have too much fun without the sulky, very nerdy vampire. Gerard grunted in response.

"M-maybe you can still go? Why can't you go in the sun anyway?" Frank wondered. He felt bad about leaving Gerard alone while they went off to have fun and ride (dangerous) carnival rides. Frank wouldn't admit it, but he had a tiny crush on his friend's big brother. He just thought Gerard was so cool and cute and sometimes hot. Okay, it was bigger than a tiny crush, and he was sure Gerard and the guys knew, but why the hell would Frank acknowledge that?

"Unless I go out in full ski gear, I can't go--" Gerard gasped and stopped, an idea in full motion in his head.

"No," Mikey interrupted him with a stern look.

Gerard slumped his shoulders, "I can't go, because I'll burn twice as fast. Eventually, I'll get redder and redder until I finally combust and burst into flames," Gerard said, his voice dejected and emotionless like he's had to say this before.

Frank whimpered, and with puppy dog eyes, said, "Mikey..."

"No! I'm not letting you fucking die because you wanted to ride the fucking Ferris wheel," Mikey yelled. He was going to have to break Gerard's heart, but it was for the best. Imagine Gerard going, having the time of his life, riding the Ferris wheel when he spontaneously combusts and lights the whole thing on fire.

"It's not fair!" Gerard screamed. His feelings were hurt. All his friends were going out, and he wasn't allowed. They wouldn't let him go. It's like they didn't want him.

"Well, you should've thought about that before you got yourself into this mess!" Mikey seethed. Back to the same old argument. The argument to begin and end all arguments. "Come on, guys. We're leaving," Mikey ordered.

The guys followed Mikey out reluctantly. "We'll come back tomorrow, G," said Ray. Gerard burrowed underneath the covers and stewed.

Frank hung back for a minute and softly said, "maybe you could come out when it gets darker?" Gerard shrugged and Frank gave him a sad smile.

It was difficult to have fun the rest of the night knowing Gerard was stuck inside his room in the basement. Ray and Mikey seemed to forget about it as the day flew. While Frank kept stealing glances toward the fair entrance, trying to see if Gerard was there. As the fair rides' lights lit on, colors pink, baby blue and gold, and the sky grew darker, Gee didn't show up.

Towards the end of the night, the guys bought cotton candy and funnel cakes and played impossible-to-win fair games. Frank tried relentlessly to win a stuffed pig (secretly for Gerard) but couldn't for the life of him pop the balloons with the dull dart. Feeling bad for Frank, the man running the game gave him the stuffed pig. It was like they were kids all over again.


"I'm never eating candy again," Ray groaned. His mouth was stained with chocolate, and he was slowly coming down from a sugar high.

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