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I woke up and it's morning again..

time is flying so fast... 

today.. we're going to take the body of my appa to the funeral.. hmm.. appa...

Jinhan honey.. are you ready.? we have to go now.. mom shouted at the other side of the door..

just a minute mom.. just wait for me.. I'm going out soon..

okay.. I'll just wait for you outside...

okay mom..

~~~~~~~~ at the hospital..

I held the hands of my mom... "umma it's going to be okay.." and I hugged her..

I love you honey.. 

we took our last glance at my dad.. and mom kissed him.. and I hugged him..

I will truly miss you dad.. I love you.. 

my eyes went teary again but I held it back because I know that appa don't want to see me cry over him..

I hope you're happy at heaven appa..

tell me if it's good there okay..?  I smiled at him and the nurse put him in theambulance and we went to the funeral...

this day happened too fast..

~morning again.. 

today is going to be my dad's interment.. our house is full of sadness.. it's so quite.. I went outside of my room and a flashback went to my mind..

*I'm very happy for you baby.. and guess what.. 

who are we having for dinner? 

who mom.?

it's your dad..

oh where is he? 

in the kitchen of course..

hi daddy I missed you so much.. don't leave us again daddy.. 

okay honey, just wait.. okay it's done honey, the dinner's ready to eat..

hey baby girl, so I heard that you and Kyungsoo are now okay ey?

yes dad.. i talked to him lately.. 

so are you going out with him now.?

aniyo dad.. hmm that'll wait..*

I went to the living room and I saw my dad's picture with me and mom.. 

tears are falling through my eyes..

"dad,, I know you can hear me.. I love you always remember that okay?"

dad" ... I hugged the picture and wind blew through me.. 

but why.... the windows are closed and the door too...

grrr.. (goosebumps)... I think dad answered me... hmm.. I miss you dad.. I smiled at the picture and kissed it...

honey where are you.. we have to go now.. mom said while getting out of the room..

I'm here mom.. let's go...

we're now here at the cemetery..

all the co-workers of mom and dad are here..

of course the EXO and Yeonha and the others are some of our friends.. relatives ofcourse and the priest....

*in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen...

small world [exo fanfic] ~completed //Where stories live. Discover now