Guess what😱❤️

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Marcus: "yeah?"
Cali:"nothing nvm.." she says turning around

Marcus opens the door and leaves the house for the longest he could which was like a hour..maybe 30 minutes...he comes back hoping cali has cooled down by now and would talk to him. He calls for her and looks all around the apartment for her and he can't find her. Untill he sees a smudged note on the white marble kitchen counter were they last had they're argument. That said

"Dear Marcus,
I don't know what to do with you right now. And I know you would come back after I told you to leave. And I knew that we...I couldn't keep worrying if my boyfriend is cheating or not when I'm sleep. And leaving. Just for a little while. I'll be back I-i promise..and I don't know if you actually gave a FUCK about me and didn't just say you loved me just because you liked my presence and the attention I gave you and that I would drop everything for you. But man! How I loved you...and I still do. I think we just need some time weather you like it or not😔...I gotta go now my ride is here and my tears are smudging the ink❤️

Love, yours truly cali💗"

Marcus pov
As I start to read the note I could feel my face turned red as a tomato 🍅 and my palms started to get sweaty and the paper started shaking. I wasn't even to the bad part yet. I had to stope reading and get some air.i had to prepare myself for what I was about to read and idk why I'm feeling this way! I've never felt like this! My heart is literally aching and even though I was outside in the cold I still felt like I was suffocating I keep overthinking about what the letter says..."common! breathe Marcus BREATHE!" I say to myslef as I'm putting my hands on my knees..."common!! Stop.please don't" he says as he feels his eye water and starts to wipe it "'ll be okay..breathe" he says flaping his hands around and jumping..."breathe...breathe" he says getting as each "breathe" gradually gets slower and slower I take a deep breathe "okay..Man you're okay you're just being over dramatic" and i day to myself and walk back into the house to finish reading the note. I start finishing the she says I'm leaving a tear drops on the paper causing the ink to smudge even done with the letter now and I fucked up! I mean it wasn't me who was texting her! IT WAS LUCAS! But I fucked up because I didn't tell her😭 I should've never let him use my phone! She probably saw where he said "nah I don't love her" and he was talking about evenly! And I didn't tell cali cause I knew that

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