Ch.2: Dancing in the Moonlight

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A/N: The techniques/skills that are used throughout this fanfiction are not mine. They belong to the people who own the online game, Maplestory. Hehe. I couldn't think of cool names for moves/skills so I thought of my gaming days and decided to use the skills from the jobs in Maplestory. =)


   Shuffling through the winding halls of the palace at night was very boring. Not a mouse really stir. Night shift was not fun. I should not have volunteered to take over Chian's shift. Inwardly groaning, I made my way to the palace garden as a shortcut to some degree but not really. When I reached the lotus ponds, I could sense that someone was indeed here. Crouching low, I slowly made my way to said person. With each step, the floral scent increased and there was a hint of citrus. Looking around to the right,  there was no one in sight. Scanning over to the left, a figure was balancing on the posts of the bridge like structure. As I got closer, I realized that the figure was the Queen dancing in the night while bending water along with few lotus petals. Each movement clearly showed that he was no stranger to dancing and carried himself with grace. After a minute or two, he seemed to have sensed my presence and made a quick spin to face me, but misplaced his right foot thus tipping him forward. I flash jumped and managed to catch him. We stared into each other eyes for a minute or two. So beautiful. Wait, did I just think that? I felt blood rush to my cheeks a little so I glanced away in hope that his Highness did not notice. When I turn back, his brown orbs regarded me with a questioning look but it slowly changed to one of indifference.

"Evening, Mr. Royal Commander," he said as he sat down on the railing of the bridge after wiggling out of my grip.

"Your Highness," I said after bowing to him. 

"So... are you just going to keep standing there or what?"


"Well... if you are worried about my safety there is no need, I have my personal guards with me," he said while nodding over the  figures standing under cherry blossom trees nearby.

"I just.... I wanted to say that it would not be wise to dance so near the edge of the ponds and...," I mumbled. 

"Hahahaha, me? Mr. Royal Commander, don't you know that I am a Graeae?" 

"What is that?"

"Mmmm, a water god. Not one like Habaek but you know," he said with a small smile.

"Oh" He started to circle around me like a predator would do to a prey. He smirked. Suddenly, I found myself in one of the lotus ponds. I started to panic and then I noticed that I was breathing underwater. Looking around, there was a blue figure next to me that looked oddly like the Queen.

"Welcome, Mr. Royal Commander. The water is quite nippy, isn't it," he asked.

"GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!! I CAN'T...," I shouted as my vision started to darken. Noticing my distress, he grabbed my shoulder and shook it.

"Are you okay?"

"NO." I could feel my consciousness fading on me.

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