As the sun started to set, and the moon started to rise, Apple Bloom looked down below, and gasped when she saw Discord approaching the Canterlot Bell Tower & Church. "Sis! We got trouble!" She said as Spike looked down, and realized that Apple Bloom was right. He led Applejack, Silver Shill, and Apple Bloom to the door to the south tower steps as he said "Discord's coming. You must leave. Quick, follow me! Go down the south tower steps." "Be careful, mah friend." Applejack said. "Promise you won't let anything happen to him." Deciding to put his selfish ambition aside, Spike said "I promise." "Thank you." Applejack said as she Silver Shill, and Apple Bloom ran off. "Quick, we gotta stash the stiff!" Twilight Sparkle said as she, Rairty, Pinkie Pie, and Spike quickly hid an unconscious AJ underneath the table with Spike's models on it. He quickly straightened them out as Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Twilight Sparkle turned back to stone. Discord approached Spike who said "Oh, Master Discord, I didn't think you'd be coming!" "I'm never too busy to share a meal with you, dear dragon." Discord said as he sat down on a chair near the table. He placed a basket on the table as he said "I brought you a little treat." He cleared his throat, and Spike immediately rushed off to grabbed the dishes while feeling flustered. Once got the dishes, he placed them on the table, and sat down on the chair.
"Is there something troubling you, Spike?" Discord asked. "No! No!" Spike said. Discord took a grape, and ate it as he said "Oh, but there is. I know there is." He placed the grapes on Spike's wooden plate, and one of the grapes fell to the floor, near AJ. As Spike cautiously picked up the grape, Discord said "I're hiding something." "Oh no, Master Discord!" Spike said. "There's nothing-!" Discord interrupted him as he said "You're not eating, dragon." Spike quickly stuffed the grapes in his mouth as he said "It's very good. Thank you." AJ moaned quietly, and Spike covered it as he moaned, telling Discord that he liked the grapes he gave him. AJ sighed, but Spike kicked him in the face, and coughed to cover the noise as he said "Seeds." Discord looked around as he said "What's different in here?" "Nothing sir." Spike said. Discord then noticed a model version of Applejack, and picked it up as he said "Isn't this one new? It's awfully good. Looks very much like the earth pony." He then started to get angry as he said "I know. I know you HELPED HER ESCAPE! And now, all of Equestria is burning because of you!"
Spike shook in fear as he said "She was kind to me, Master Discord!" "YOU IDIOT!" Discord said in rage as he destroyed the models. "That wasn't kindness, it was cunning! She's an earth pony! Earth ponies are not capable of real love! Think, dragon! Think of your mother!" He finally calmed down as he said "But what chance could a poor creature like you have against her heathen treachery? Well, never you mind, Spike. She will be out of out lives soon enough." He burned the model version of Applejack with a candle as he said "I will free you from her evil spell She will torment you no longer." "What do you mean?" Spike asked. "I know where her hideout is, and tomorrow, at dawn, I attack with a thousand ponies." He then left with a smirk on his face. Then, AJ crawled out of the table as he said "We have to find the Court of Miracles, before daybreak. If Discord gets there first...are you coming with me?" Spike shook his head as he said "I can't." "Ah thought you were Applejack's friend!" AJ said. "Discord's my master." Spike said. "I can't disobey him again." "She stood up for ya'll!" AJ said. "You've got a funny way of showing gratitude." As Spike turned away, AJ said "Well, Ah'm not going to sit by and watch Discord massacre innocent ponies. You do what you think is right." He then left the room.
Spike then looked at Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Twilight Sparkle who were staring at him as if they were telling him that he should go with him as he said "What? What am I supposed to do? Go out there, and rescue the mare from the jaws of death, and all of Equestria will cheer like I'm some kind of a hero?! She already has her knight in shining armor, and it's not me! I am not a pony, and I don't have a cutie mark!" He then sighed as he said "Discord was right. Discord was right about everything. And I'm tired of trying to be something I'm not." He looked at his claw, looked at the gift that Applejack gave him, and looked at Twilight Sparkle who gave him his blue cape with a hood. He placed it on him, and he took off running as he muttered "I must be out of my mind."
My Little Hunchback Of Notre Dame
FanfictionSpike the dragon is an outcast because all his life, his master Discord told him that dragons are considered monsters. Despite that, he wants to attend the festival of fools. There, he meets and falls in love with an earth pony named Applejack. He a...