Chapter 7

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Once Discord walked out the front door, Applejack ran to another door, and opened it, but the guards were blocking the way out as one of the guards said "Discord's orders! Post a guard at every door." Applejack slammed the door, and sat down against it. Apple Bloom walked up to her sister, and said "Are we really trapped here?" "Don't worry, Apple Bloom." Applejack said. "If Discord thinks he can keep us here, he's wrong." "Don't act rashly, young mare." Fluttershy said as she lit the candles. "You created quite a stir at the festival. It would be unwise to arouse Discord's anger further." "You saw what he did out there!" Applejack said. "Letting the crowd torture that poor dragon. Ah thought if one pony could stand up to him, then..." She sighed, and said "What do they have against ponies and creatures who are different, anyway?" As they walked to a statue of Princess Celestia, Fluttershy said "You can't right all the wrongs in this world by yourself." "Well, nopony out there is going to help, that's for sure." Applejack said. "Perhaps there's somepony or some creature in here who can." Fluttershy said as she walked away. Applejack looked at the ponies praying for help, and looked at the statue as she said "Ah don't know if ya'll can hear me, but mah fellow earth ponies, mah sister, and Ah could really use your help. Ah thought we are all equal in our own way. Please help the outcasts." As if he heard her call for help, Spike went down the stairs, and went behind the pillar as Applejack looked up at a large stained glass window.

Apple Bloom went up to her big sister, and gave her a hug as Applejack hugged her back. Spike looked at them, and smiled. But then a unicorn named Fancy Pants glared at him, and said "You! Bell ringer! What are you doing here?!" Completely startled, Spike jumped, and accidently knocked over a candle staff as Fancy Pants said "Haven't you caused enough trouble already?!" Spike ran off to his staircase, and Applejack and Apple Bloom ran after him as Applejack said "Wait! Ah want to talk to ya'll!" Spike came out the top of the staircase with Applejack and Apple Bloom following him. From above, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Twilight Sparkle was watching Spike getting chased by Applejack and Apple Bloom. "Look! He's got a friend with him!" Twilight Sparkle said. "Yeah, maybe today wasn't a total loss after all." Pinkie Pie said. "A vision of loveliness!" Rarity said. "The one with the brown hat ain't bad either." Pinkie Pie said. Spike reached his room, and the pony gargoyles went down to greet him as Pinkie Pie said "Spike!" "Congratulations!" Rarity said. "Got the mares chasing you already!" Pinkie Pie said. "Actually, I-." Spike tried to say, but Rarity interrupted him, and said "You mustn't run too fast, or she'll get away, darling." "Yes, ah, ah, ah, I know." Spike said. "That's what-!" Pinkie Pie interrupted him, and said "Give her some slack, then reel her in, then give her some slack, then reel her in, then give her some slack-!"

Twilight Sparkle then hit Pinkie Pie on the head, and said "Knock it off, Pinkie Pie. She's an earth pony, not a mackerel." Applejack and Apple Bloom finally caught up with Spike as the pony gargoyles quickly turned to stone. "Here you are." Applejack said. "Ah was afraid I'd lost you." "Yes." Spike said. "Um, well, I, uh, I have chores to do. It was uh, again. Ohh..." He started running off again as Applejack said "No, wait!" Apple Bloom examined Pinkie Pie who briefly came to life, made kissing faces at her, and then turned back to stone. Apple Bloom became flabbergasted as she said "What the-?!" As Applejack went after Spike, she said "Ah'm really sorry about this afternoon. Ah had no idea who ya'll were. Ah would never in mah life on the...stage." She slowed down, and stared in awe as she reached Spike's room. She looked around, and said "What is this place?" "This is where I live." Spike said hiding behind a wooden pillar. Applejack looked at the dangling glass mobile, and the model of Equestria as she said "Did you make all these things yourself?" "Most of them." Spike said. "This is beautiful." Applejack said. "If Ah could do this, ya'll wouldn't find me dancing in the streets of Ponyville for bits." "But you're a wonderful dancer." Spike said as he came out of his hiding place.

"Well, it keeps bread and apples on the table, anyway." Applejack said. She then saw two small pony toys under a small cloth, and said "What's this?" "Oh, no, please, oh, I'm not finished." Spike said. "I still have to paint them." Applejack removed the cloth, and smiled as she looked at the small toy versions of the pony blacksmith and the pony baker, and said "It's the blacksmith! And the baker!" Apple Bloom looked at the toy version of the pony shepherd, and the sheep as she said "Look! There's even the shepherd, and his sheep!" "You're a suprising dragon, Spike." Applejack said. "Not to mention lucky. All this room to yourself?" "Well, it's not just me." Spike said. "There's the pony gargoyles, and of course, the bells. Would you like to see them?" "Yes, of course." Applejack said. She looked at Apple Bloom, and said "Wouldn't we, Apple Bloom?" Apple Bloom happily nodded, and said "Yes! We would love to see the bells!"

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