Game Slaves by Gard Skinner

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For starters, I’m not really a fan of action and adventure type of book but I read this because I met someone who’s willing to read it with me.

I got interested wit h the flow of the story because it’s something that you will not hear about everyday. The plot of the story for me is new and fresh that’s why it’s interesting for me to read. However, as events passed by it kinda gets boring because the same things keep on happening. In my opinion, although I’m not really good at criticizing action books. I think the author should’ve lessen the action scenes because it’s kinda too much. One thing that I really like about this is, I felt like I’m one of the characters because of the narration of the first player’s pov.

Even thou I kinda thought of stopping and giving up on this book somewhere in the middle, I’m very happy that I stick till the end because the ENDING IS SPECTACULAR. I love the plot twists and until now while I’m typing this. .. I still have the chills and I wonder what is my part in this game of life?

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