Life of Pi by Yann Martel

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According to Yann Martel, the author, Life of Pi can be summarize in three statements "Life is a story... You can choose your story... A story with God is the better story." Well, it’s justified very well by the book because many occurences in the book is telling you to believe but In the end it’s still your choice what you will believe into. The best thing I like about Yann Martel is how he plays with his story. He’s blending facts and fiction with his literary play of words, but still it comes out amazing.


Another thing I have to praise for the author is his narrative style, he uses two alternating point of view which belongs to he, himself as the author, and the main character Piscine Moratel  after many years after the incident that had happen to him. It’s amazing how he show the jumping sequence of events yet it still come out clean and not confusing.


Even thou most of the story revolves around the boat, it’s not as boring as you thought it will be because this boat is a compilation of joy, faith, horror, love, horror, gore and specially hope. Of course, if you will be stranded in the middle of nowehere it’s your only hope, but with a tiger as your company, well that’s another story. The Life of Pi, tackles different things that can be reflected by many people, his story about his family, finding his religion, surviving his encounters with the zebra,orang-utan and a tiger in one boat all at the same time and his struggles with his name (Piscine, called Pissing). Yann Martel combines religion and science which is a very odd couple in his book and the result is the breath taking Life of Pi.

However, with all the praises I can give for this book, I have to admit that there are some parts that I found it boring and dull, and the excitement of the book is just gone, but overall it’s a great book that you can recommend to people who are into adventure and fiction, and the film is also good for the family.


Overall Rating: 4/5

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