Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi

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FIRST OF ALL. . .FUCK YOU TAHEREH MAFI and I’m saying that in a good way.

Ignite Me is the last book in the Shatter Me series and god it broke me into pieces. I actually didn’t know why I’m only doing this review now because honestly after an hour this book is release I’m already reading it but that’s not the point.

The point is this book is so good it made me stop reading and contemplate a lot of stuffs. I’m so proud of Tahereh Mafi. I had a rant before about Tahereh Mafi’s writing style (http://www.wattpad.com/42960494-book-rants-rant-on-tahereh-mafi-writing-style) but after Ignite Me

OH GOSH I now love her writing! I love how her writing style improved, and by improved I mean it now have a right amount of metaphors and prose. I also love how she made her characters evolve into something more and show the readers that there’s more to unravel to the character we know from her first books.. The only thing that I doesn’t like about her writing is the action part. I’m never a fan of action but reading the action scene make me hate action more. I’m kinda looking for more since it’s a dystopian novel so we can say that maybe action is not really Tahereh Mafi’s strong suit. HOWEVER, the romance*coughs* the sex scene*coughs*  between Warnette is . .. I can’t even fathom words to describe it because even perfect is not enough. I love how all of their scenes make me giggle like a kid because I’m just so inlove with their paring.

Throughout the series, there is only two person in the book that I really like, that is Kenji and Warner. But after reading Ignite Me fuck I wanna cuddle them all. I love how no lovable character died and I’m very happy with that. Also, I’m so amaze with Tahereh with how she changed most of her characters in just one book.

Juliette. . Oh god. . Juliette I hate this girl from Shatter Me and Unravel Me, but in Ignite Me, I was like who the fuck is this and what have you done with the real Juliette?!?! It’s like boom big transformation. I love how she transformed to that killing machine puppy who has that i-need-to-be-protected type of girl to that –fuck-you-all badass. She’s so awesome in the  last book that’s why I decided to like her.

James. I don’t why people aren’t talking about him but I really adore that kid. Every part of him makes me laugh specially when he’s talking with Warner because I can feel Warner is really irritated with James yet he is still talking to him and James is a really tough kid and I like that.

Warner. Oh that piece of shit that I want to bring home. God he’s like Christian Grey. Enigmatic, cocky and god I just wanna have sex with him.

Team Adam. I know how broken you are right now, specially because Adam became an asshole in this book but I will not comment on that because it may sound bias because I’m Team Warner ever since the beginning but to tell you guys the truth. I felt sad when Juliette finished it all off with Adam. And I understand (a little) why Adam became an a-hole because if that happen to me too I’m really gonna be pissed off too. I’m going to say this not because I’m team warner but I think it’s the right thing to say. I felt that the choice of Tahereh for whom Juliette’s going to end with is justifiable because for me,

I think you should be with someone who’s helping you get stronger and let you learn despite of someone who’s always going to protect you but will not let you standby yourself, because you will not last forever in this world (maybe in alternate universe) but either way any of you can be gone first and what will that make you? So I think choosing Warnette is really the right decision.

Kenji. . . the friendzone type of guy but seriously this guy should have his own book. He’s funny, fierce, kind and really the perfect guy to be your bestrfriend and I hope that in his own book he could finally get his own girl because seriously who doesn’t want to end up with Kenji? Well except if you’re choosing between Warner well you can re-think that.

My last and final issue. . .THE ENDING

Like seriously what the fuck?! I was like this is finished ?! seriously?! I have many more questions raised rather than answered. Yes so she killed Anderson, now what? What will happen to society? Will the army belive in her skill nevertheless she is still young. Can she handle the society? Given that Warner is with her, and they are a power couple and Warner can help her we can assume that many people still hate Warner because he is a dictator shit so can they really handle the society? What happen to their relationship? Does Adam and Warner became friend? What happen to the omega point people?

And seriously I have many more questions so Dear Tahereh Mafi I FREAKING NEED AN EPILOGUE.

So overall I really loved this book and I hope Tahereh Mafi wrote more like thi. If you want metaphor and prose read the whole series until this last book because it’s a jam-packed book.

Rating: 5/5

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