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{Sunday, January 18, 2017}
{Daniel's POV}

i saw her today. she looked so beautiful. she was with daisy . it's been three years but it hurt like hell to see her. i probably deserve it for what i did to her. she's over me and i know it.


"baby i'm sorry." i said into the phone. "sorry doesn't fix my heart daniel. it's broken. i gave you my whole heart and you threw it away! imagine how that feels!" "i know, i know, i'm such a dick, but i love you with all of my heart and i'm sorry." she sniffles, she's crying, and that makes me feel ten times worse. i don't want to be the reason for her tears. i want to be the reason for her smiles and her laughs. she doesn't say anything. "blair, i love you." "i'm sorry daniel, but i can't." and with that she hung up and i lost the best thing to ever happen to me.

end of flashback

i can't help but hate myself. i treated her wrong, i broke her heart. she was head over heels for me, and i broke her heart. i would hate me too if i were her, but seeing her, it made me miss her, way more than i already did.

{Blair's POV}

i can't stop thinking about him. i hate myself for still loving him. i need to get over daniel. i do the only thing i could think of. i text him. before i can take anything back, i send it. daisy walks up behind me. "are you texting daniel?" "yes." "omg! i knew you weren't over him!"i am but." "but nothing blair." "go get your mans back!" i laugh and walk out of the door.

{Daniel's POV}

i hear my phone go off. i pick it up and am surprised and happy to see that blair texted me. i look at the text:

meet me at starbucks

i grab my keys and run out the door as fast as possilble. i drive to starbucks. i walk in and look around. i see her, sitting in a booth, alone. i walk up to her. "h-hi d-daniel." "hi" i say sitting down across from her. "why did you want me to meet you here?" she looks up at me, and there are tears forming in her eyes. "blair, you okay?" i grab her hand but she pulls away. "no daniel, i'm not. i thought i could do this, but i can't. i thought i was over you, but then i saw you. i came here to try to get over you. but in reality i was never over you and i'm still not." she grabs her drink and walks away. i regret letting her walk away again. i should of said something, but of course, i didn't.

a/n: this isn't super long but hey, it's something! thank you go guys so much for the love you continue to show for What Are The Odds and the love you are already showing this book! i hope you all have an amazing day/night and that you are all happy and smiling! if anyone needs to talk about anything at all, my dm's are always open!
I love you all! Okay byeeeeeee!

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