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(read author's note at the end, i have a  very important question about updates and me possibly writing a new book.)

{Monday, January 26 2017}
{Blair's POV}

after i got off the phone with daniel yesterday, he arrived at my house five minutes later. we just talked. about everything. not just about us, but about us. i learned some things that i never knew, but my mind keeps tracing back to one conversation we had.



"yea daniel?" i sip some of my coffee

"i have a very important question." he turns towards me.

"ask away, danny boy" i turn towards him so that we are both, sitting on the floor, facing each other.

he smiles at the nickname. he takes a deep breath then speaks,

"i hurt you, but you still love me, why?"

my breath hitches and i almost choke on my coffee.


"no it's fine you don't have to answer, i shouldn't have asked that question, i'm gonna go home." he says, standing up.

"daniel, sit your ass back down, you are not going anywhere, it is pouring rain outside."

he sits back down. i think about the question he just asked.

"i don't know daniel."


"i don't know. i'm supposed to hate you but i don't. after what you did to me i should have never wanted to see you again, but i didn't. i shouldn't have this longing feeling to be with you, but i do, and that scares the hell out of me, daniel. what if we do get back together and you hurt me all over again, i will be broken, and everyone will tell me they told me so. i don't know why i am still in love with you after you hurt me, i just know that i am."

after i say that he just sits there, speechless.

end of flashback

everything i said to him was true. i regret none of it.

"blair, blaiiiiir, earth to blair!"

"what huh?"

"get back to work!"

"okay okay!"

my boss has to be the biggest bitch out there. she makes me want to run her over with a jeep. nonetheless i get back to taking people's coffee orders. someone in a hat walks through the front door and up to the cash register.

"welcome to starbucks what can i get you?"

"one coffee, no cream, no sugar." his voice sounds so familiar.

"will that be al-" i stop mid-sentence as he looks up. it's the last person i want to see, my father.


"what the hell are you doing here?"

"trying to talk to you."

"i want nothing to do with you."

"blair plea-"

"no, don't blair please me. remember when i was severely depressed, to the point where i was cutting myself, and when you found out you told me to suck it up? oh, and remember when you shipped me off to los angeles and told me i was a mistake? you don't? well i do? and i want nothing to do with you. now take your coffee and leave."


"leave. now."


he takes his coffee and walks out the door. why is everyone from my past deciding that they can just poof back into my life. i'm not letting that happen.

"sam, can i go home early today, i'm not feeling too well."

"sure, whatever."

i pull off my apron and hang it up on the hook. i grab all of my stuff and walk out the door to my car. i get in and drive off, not really knowing, or caring, where i am driving to.

10 minutes later

i end up at the Why Don't We house. i get out of my car and walk inside, not even bothering to knock. it's very quite and there is no one in the house, except for a person sitting on the couch. i decide to walk up behind him and scare him. i creep up and yell ," boo!" he jumps and i roll over on the couch laughing. that is until he grabs me, and i am now on his lap, legs wrapped around his sides. staring back at the smirking blue eyed boy. he notices the surprised look on my face, and trades in his smirk for a worried look.

"blair, i-i'm sorry i didn't mean to do that, i don't know what got into me."

he keeps rambling on and on about how sorry he is until i interrupt him.



our faces are inches apart, my hands are now cupping his face, and my legs are still tightly wrapped around his torso.

"just shut up and kiss me."

our lips crash together and i get a tingling feeling in my stomach. we continue to kiss until things get heated. daniel stands up, me still wrapped around his body, and takes me to his room. one thing led to another and, i'm sure you can figure out what happened.

A/N: this chapter is kinda all over the place. i don't know, but i kinda like it! this is a longer chapter for you guys and i hope you enjoyed it. okay so onto the important question: would you guys want me to do way longer chapters, which means slower updates, or short chapters with faster updates? please let me know so i can figure out my update schedule! also, while i have you reading this, i kinda wanna start another book, i wanna do a snapchat, twitter, instagram, wrong number , or an imagines book ( i know basic right) i will have you guys vote later, on what you want me to write! okay this author's note is kinda long (like daniel's di-) i love you all! okay byeeeeeee!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2017 ⏰

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