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{Sunday, January 25, 2017}
{Daniel's POV}

she has a boyfriend. she has a boyfriend. she has a boyfriend. i say it over and over in my head. i have to get over her, because she obviously got over me since the last time we saw each other. i'm currently at a park. i don't know what park, i just know that when i saw her kiss him, i wanted to pull him off of her, and bash his head in.

(@daisy you can run bradley over with Acaidia's jeep if you want)

{Blair's POV}

after telling them what happened corbyn stands up.

"look blair, daniel is basically in love with you, i know it may not seem like it because of all the shit he did, but he his. i don't know who this bradley guy is but, i will kick his ass, and i am pretty sure the guys won't bother joining me."

corbyn turns around and looks at them.


"no problem"

"i'm in."

me, daisy, christina, and jade laugh.

"just talk to him okay?"


"wow corbyn, you did better than i could have done." daisy says while laughing.

"yea babe, since when were you so wise?"

"ahhh, it's a gift."

we all laugh as they get up to leave.

"thank you guys so much."

"it was our pleasure."

they all start walking out.

"hey daisy!"


"how are you and zach?"

"we're good."

i smile at her and she turns around and walks out the door.

"hey jade?"


"how are you and jonah?" i wiggle my eyebrows.

she laughs, "we're great."

"good." i say, as i close the door.

i grab my phone and click on daniel's contact. it rings a few times, before he picks up. there is an awkward silence, so i speak first.

"uh, hi."


"daniel, we need to talk."

"why don't you just go talk to your boyfriend."

"daniel, he's not my boyfriend."

"oh yea sure."

"daniel, i'm serious, he's not. he's my ex from a while ago but he never got over me."


"yea, now are you gonna stop being an asshole?"

"yes." he sighs

"thank you. now can you come over so we can actually talk, like you wanted to."

"yes. i'll be over."

"okay, bye."


i hang up and sit on my couch, just thinking.

A/N: heyyyy guysssss! i hope it hasn't been too long. i know this is super short but i just don't have time to post super long chapters. but hey, at least i'm updating. i love you guys a lot and i hope you have a great day/night! byeeeeeeee!

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