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{Sunday, January 25, 2017}
{Blair's POV}

i can't believe it. standing in front of me was my ex-boyfriend, from 5 years ago! what was he doing here and how the hell did he know where i lived?

"what are you doing here?"

"i came here to see my babygirl."

"i'm not your babygirl."

"stop, don't be like that."

I hear footsteps coming from the elevator, but i choose to ignore them. that was a mistake.

"can you just leav-"

"hey blai-"

daniel is here, and so is bradley, this. is. very. bad.

daniel looks at me, then at bradley, and then back at me.

"who's this?" daniel asks, looking very angry and confused.

"he's my-"

"i'm her boyfriend." bradley interrupts me.

he grabs me and kisses me. i try to pull away but he won't let me. daniel walks away, upset. i probably should, but i don't want him to walk away. i'm pretty sure i just lost any chance with daniel. a little after daniel walks off, i am finally able to get bradley off of me. i'm angry, sad, and everything in between.

"leave! now!"

"but babe"

"no! i am not your babe, nor will i ever be again! we broke up five fucking years ago! get over it! now leave before i call the cops!"

"just wait, i will get you back!" he yells and then walks away,

i back into my house and close the door. i fall to the ground and cry. that's the only thing that will make me feel slightly better, crying it all out. after a while i get up. i grab my phone and call Daisy and Jade. i sit on my couch and turn on The Fault in Our Stars until they get to my house.

1 hour later

I hear a knock at the door. i get up and open it, Daisy and Jade are standing there, but they have a few more people behind them.

"seriously guys? i call you here to rant and cry about daniel and you brought his friends?"

"wow nice to see you too." jack rolls his eyes

"jack, that's not what i meant. i miss and love you all dearly."

"then let us in your damn house." corbyn pushes past everyone.

"oh and by the way, we missed you too." he gives me a hug and everyone starts walking in.

i notice 2 girls that i didn't notice before. one of them is christina, corbyn's girlfriend. the other girls is no other than rowan, my ex-bestfriend.

"blair! hi, it's so good to finally meet you! this is my step-sister, rowan."

"oh we know each other." rowan says, smirking.

i turn around a look at everyone else.

"seriously? you could've at least given me a heads up."

"sorry, i kinda forgot?" jade says.

"that sounded more like a question." i roll my eyes.

i turn around and smile, i give christina a hug.

"come on in." i say through gritted teeth.

i then proceed to pull everyone, but rowan because she left for some reason, onto my couch and tell them everything that happened.

A/N: okay so this is a kinda short chapter but a lot happens in it so, i think that it's okay? idk, but i don't really like the way i wrote this. i wanted to update as soon as possible because i know how it feels when people take forever to update. i hope you all had a good day today and that you are all doing great. i looked at some statistics, there are people reading this book from all over the world and i find that really cool! anyways, thank you for all the love on this book! don't forget to vote and stuff! i love you all! okay byeeeeeee!

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