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There was a knock at the door. It stirred the young lad who had fallen asleep on the couch. Wrapping the blanket around him tightly, he rose to his feet and slowly made his way over to the door. He opened it slowly, to reveal a person he secretly wanted to see, but really didn't. 

"Please, let me talk," the curly hair lad said, worried he was going to shut the door in his face. 

Still drowsy, Louis backed the door open, and Harry slowly stepped inside the beach house. 

"How did you know I was here?" Louis asks slowly. 

Harry sighs, "I still know all of your 'secret' hiding places love." 

Louis closes the door and curtly walks back to the living room. He plops down and gives Harry a death stare. 

"What you doing here?" 

"It was wrong... what I did." Harry was not going to further elaborate. Did he need to? Him and Louis were not exclusive, but he knew that Louis would absolutely shut him out for the rest of their lives if he told him what he did last night. He wanted Louis. He wanted to be apart of Darcy and George's live. He wanted to be a father. He hated his mother for making him feel this way.

"Harry..." Louis trails off, unsure of what to say. 

They sit in silence for a little bit. The older of the two pulls his blankets around him tighter, as if it was a security measure. He did not want the other to see any inch of him right now, mainly for what he was going to say next. He was hurt, but he knew that Harry was never able to fully commit to him and the children. Not right now, at least. He knew deep in his heart that the curly hair lad was always going to love him and come back to him, but he also knew that him and his children deserved better than how Harry could love him right now. He wanted a husband. He wanted a healthy relationship. He wanted his children to see what a healthy relationship looked like early on so they did not make the same mistakes he did growing up from what his mother showed him. A lump grew in his throat, he knew he had to make the cut. 

"I cannot keep doing this with you. It is not healthy. You cannot have one foot in the door and one foot out. It is not fair to me or quite frankly the children. I am not going to sit here and give you an ultimatum because that is not fair to you at all." Louis whispers. 

He can see Harry's shoulders drops. He knows he hurt him but now, it is no longer just about Louis' feelings, he needs to consider his children's feelings as well. He absolutely hated how his mother would bring men around for a couple of months only to have a new one replace him. He was not going to do that to his children. You know, breaking generational trauma and stuff. He knew Harry was struggling to take even breathes at this time. He wants to reach over and comfort him but he knows he shouldn't. It would just confuse him. 

"I want you Louis. I want the children. I want a family. As much as I love singing on stage, it does not compare to waking up next to you. Or watching Darcy laugh in the living room. Or waking George up from a nap. I want you. I don't want anything else," Harry replies, "Only you."

The air is thick in the room you could cut it with a butter knife and spread it on a piece of bread. Harry is looking at Louis, and Louis is looking back at Harry. Their breathing is matched. They are still not touching each other. Louis' skin is burning with desire. Did Harry really just say that he wants him? Louis had been waiting for forever to hear Harry say that. Louis' mind was moving at a million miles a minute. 

Harry wants Louis. And the Children. And a family. 

The next thing Louis knew, adjust his better judgement, he was straddling Harry's lap and kissing him passionately. He let Harry kiss him back once the surprise has cleared. He let Harry pick him up and carry him to the bedroom, not knowing of the sins Harry committed the night before. 

Oh, how Louis was a fool for Harry. 


In the morning, they could not tell where one person started and the other ended. It was a tangled mess of limbs and bed sheets. The sun gently woke the two lads up, the older one stirring first. He took in the site in front of him; Harry in a light sleep, completely peaceful. It pulled on his heart, knowing the peaceful look would quickly disappear when he awoke and he would have to face the music, literally. Louis reached over and started to softly twirl a curl around his fingers, much like he would do with Darcy when she would not feel good. The birds outside sang their morning song, alerting the others they had made it through the dark night. Harry's eyes fluttered open and he smiled softly as he focused on Louis. He pulled the shorter man into his chest. 

He did not want to leave their special bubble. They where safe here. No one could hurt them. No one could find them. He just wanted it to be them. He sighed softly and kissed the top of Louis' head. 

"I am going to call my manager and tell him I'm done," Harry said, breaking the silence. 

"Okay." Louis replied. He kept his usual smart remarks to himself. I'll believe it when I see it. 

It was Harry's dream to be famous singer-song writer. He loved that his music has touched so many lives. It was never about the money or the fame-- it was people hearing his story through his music. But, it was also Harry's dream to have a family. A family with Louis. Which, he already had. He just had to pull his head out of his damn ass. 


Harry must have drifted back off. When he awoke again, the other side of the bed was cold and Louis was not anywhere to be found in the house. It had been cleaned; the bag that was on the floor last night was missing and the blankets that were on the couch had been folded up. Harry felt a pang in his chest and tears threaten to spill over. He never expected Louis to leave him. Harry opened the sliding glass door and saw Louis sitting down closer to the shore. Harry felt a rush of relief wash over him. He knew he was in love with Louis, but never knew his feelings ran this deep for him. 

It was almost like his legs moved on autopilot towards him. His mind was swirling and all he needed was to hear Louis' voice and be wrapped in his embrace. He felt like he was drunk, and he knew Louis was going to make it all better. After what felt like forever (it was really a short two minute walk), his knees gave out next to Louis and he collapsed onto the sandy ground. He startled Louis who was deep in thought. 

"Harry? Are you okay?" Louis asked, starting to fret over the younger man who had tears streaming down his checks and was on the verge of hyperventilating. 

"I-I-I thought you left me," Harry sobbed. 

"I could never leave you Harry," Louis replied, wiping Harry's tears away and pulling him into a tight embrace. 

"Marry me Louis Tomlinson," Harry said in between sobs, "I need you now and forever. I never want to spend another day with you."


I am so sorry everyone. 16-17 year old me never expected this fan fiction to become such a hit and still into 2021-2022 people want it finished. 23 year old me will fix 17 year old me's mess before she starts writing her soap x ghost fan fiction because let me tell you, I played MW2 and there is potential for a strong fan fiction there too. I also applied for an account on AO3 so there will be another place to read my stories. 

Thank you all for your unwavering support. I will quickly finish this story up.

xoxo Ems <3

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