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Louis sat in the doctor's office, Darcy playing with some toys on the ground, and George was sitting on his lap, just as the doctor walked in.

"Hello Mr.Tomlinson, how are you today?" Doctor Armstrong asked, looking over the piece of paper in a tan coloured folder.

Mark Armstrong was an older man, around the age of fifty. He had dark brunette hair (nearly black), grey tips, that was always combed off to the side. He had a mixture of blue and grey eyes, and he had smile marks, along with some grey scuff; he was a dead-ringer for John Stamos. (See Uncle Jesse from full house.)

"Very well Doctor, what about you?"

"Tired, but good. Now, what seems to be the problem with George?" The doctor asked.

"Well, Darcy has been starting to speak, using words like no, and dad. But George...he doesn't even babble, and it worries me," Louis explains, carding a hand through George's chestnut curls.

"I see, do you mind if we run a few tests?" The doctor asks, glancing up from his clip board.

"Do whatever you need to, I would just like to know," Louis explains.

Doctor Armstrong nods, and gets a fancy flash light to look at George's throat. Seeing something that concern him, he poked his head out and spoke quickly to a nurse, asking her to set up a scan later today. Louis' heart jumped into his throat; an scan for his baby? At this point, he wished that he wasn't going through this alone, and had someone another partner to help him out. Don't think like that Tommo, you have no need for him. He left you. Once the doctor comes back in, with a grim look on his face.

"I think George might be mute," The doctor says, nearly confirming Louis' worst thoughts.

"Oh," Was all Louis could force out.

"But there are many mute kids, and I'm sure he'll fit in. You will have to learn sign language, and so will Darcy, as it seems many parents put their twins in the same classes, this might have to be your case," The doctor explains, "I'm sure I can find you a teacher, and she will go from there. She'll have daily classes, one on one, and he will soon start to pick up on signing, and Darcy will be able to translate to the teachers when they are in school."

Louis nods his head, "I'm sure Darcy would be able to handle that task."

The doctor nods, and turns his head when the nurse opens the door. She hands the piece of paper, which had Louis' appointment time on it, for the scan. The doctor smiles and thanks the nurse, before turning back to Louis. He hands him the piece of paper, which has the time, date, what George should wear and directions to the place. Louis was forcing his hands not to shake, and he knew he was going to need his mum's help with this part.

"It's going to be a quick scan over his vocal cords. If he gets fussy, they will give him something to sedate him, so they can do it quickly. They hate doing scans on little kids, but they do it if they have too." Doctor Armstrong explains.

Louis nods, "Thank you doctor."

Louis stands to leave, extending his hand to Darcy, who pops up.

"Oh and Louis?" Doctor Armstrong says, "No charge for this visit today."

Louis smiles, "Thank you Doc."


After getting out of the walk-in, Louis calls his mum, and nearly burst into tears.

"Mum, they think he's mute," Louis says, trying hard for his voice not to shake.

"Oh," His mum replies.

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