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When Louis awakes in the morning, he was rather surprised to find the other side of the cold. Sitting up, he knew harry slept next to him, but he forced himself not to jump to conclusions. He quickly threw the covers from his body, and went out into the kitchen, where harry was still no where to be seen. Sighing, he went into the twin's bedroom, wondering if he was in there. He felt his heart break when he went into the bedroom, and couldn't locate Harry. 

"Fuck," Louis breaths out, trying to force the lump forming in his throat back down. 

He closed the door to the twin's bedroom, and walked into the kitchen, trying to get himself to focus on making himself a pot of coffee, which he only started drinking since having the twins. As he went to get his cup out of the cabinet, a picture and a note fell onto the counter. The lad picked up the note first, reading the neat handwriting that he was used to reading. 

I'm sorry Louis ~H

Louis sighed through his nose, knowing he shouldn't get upset, because he knew that Harry would just leave again. He left the first time, what would've made him stop now? He didn't even bother to look at the picture, and quickly filled his cup with coffee, four sugars and some caramel creamer. Sighing, he located his phone, which was sitting on the table, and pulled up his mother's contact. 

"Mum, he left again," Louis said, trying not to cry. 

But saying it, made it so much more real. 

"Oh love.. did he say why?" 

"No.. All he left was a note saying sorry. Mum, i'm so mad at myself right now." 


"Because i knew he would just leave again, but i still let him in. What do I say when the kids ask about him mum?" 

"Just say he had to go to America hun.." 

Louis sighs, "I didn't think of that... Thank you mum." 

"You're welcome hun, and maybe you should stay off of twitter for a few days?" 


"It's just.. you and harry's little date with the twins yesterday is all over twitter, and maybe that's why he had to leave so fast hun.. his manager probably isn't happy right now.." 

Louis nods, then releases his mum cant see him, "So I shouldn't hold it against him?'

"Probably not hun, he was probably threaten with his job to come back and clear the rumors."


Louis knew he had to do the shopping today, and his mum was busy, so he was quickly getting the twins ready to go to the store. He loaded them into the car, and drove off to the store, making sure not to hit the hipster teenagers that took forever to walk across the street, and the stupid driver who thought he was cool when he was fish tailing his truck, and it almost hit his car. When he finally got to the shop, he grabbed a cart, and quickly put the twins in. 

Walking up to the store, someone walked up to him and start flashing pictures of him. He quickly knocked the camera out of his face, and kept walking. Soon teenage girls started coming up to him, and telling him how cute his and harry's kids where. It just got crazier, and crazier from there. Soon the manager from the shop came out, and rushed Louis and the twins into the store. Soon the police where called, and everyone was sent home. 

"All I wanted to do was shop in peace," Louis sighs, but started pushing his cart through the store. 

Maybe that's why he never told Harry he had children, because he didn't want his kids raised in the public eye. So many celebrities' children end up with some kind of harassment through out their life, and Louis never wanted that; or his children getting favored in school because their daddy was Harry Styles. Quickly grabbing what he needed for the week, he checked out and paid, making a bee line towards his car, and rushing home. 


"Hey Harry, when you get this message please call me back, we need to talk," Louis said. 

The kids had already gone down to sleep for the night, and his mum was on his way over so he could go into work. He was planning on driving, not wanting to get mauled by any fangirl teenager, or a random old guy with a camera. The press had soon found out everything about him, how he knew Harry, what high school they went too, and even found old pictures of Harry and him. It hurt his heart to see those pictures, mostly because that's when he thought Harry would never leave him.

He heard a faint knock at the door, and quickly went over to open the door. He let his mother into his flat, who pulled him in for a tight hug. Louis sighed, and hugged back, not wanting to talk about his day at all. 

"You go onto to work, we'll talk when you get home alright?" 

Louis nods, not trusting his voice, and walked out the door. He quickly went to his car, and drove off to the cafe, and basically ran inside, not wanting to get caught. He clocked in, and started serving people up, ignoring his phone when it buzzed in his pocket...


aye, thanks for the long wait guys, i got really stuck on this chapter :c i honestly have no idea where this idea came from, but lets run with it. 

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