Chapter 1

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(Time period: Before Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos leave for Auradon.)

Ever since I met the gang, I felt as if I was someone. Not many people here on the Isle ever feel as if we're actually people, because of the way we all treat each other. But, when I was with them, I did. When we would run around the Isle spreading chaos, I didn't feel any lesser than those pretty pink princesses in Auradon. When I was really young I'd fight for food, shelter, and everything I needed. I had no friends, family, or anyone who cared about me. Then, one day, I ran into this kid. He was around my age, tanned skin, brown eyes, and relatively long hair. We were both running from our problems at that moment, neither wanting to be caught. So, he snatched my wrist as he stood up, pulling me with him, saying, "come on! Hurry up, or they'll catch us!" We ended up at a relatively small bunker. The sound of heavy footsteps could be heard echoing down the long alley. He hurriedly grabbed a large rock from the ground and threw it at a yellow sign with a grunt. It pinged against the sign, knocking it back, and triggering a door. We entered with racing hearts as the door began to close. Heading up the stairs, the boy looked at me with a half smile, "You're pretty fast... for a girl." He stifled a laugh as I rolled my eyes to the sky before looking in front of us again at the stairs, "what is this place?" He replied as if he wasn't sure himself, "a bunker? It's where me and my friends hang-out. I'm Jay, by the way." I give a slight nod and answer simply, "(y/n)." The rest of the way up was silent, until we reached the top. There were a few different kids already there, all around our age, chatting among each other. I've seen a few of them around, but never actually met them. They acknowledged Jay, but only because I was there. We were in such a rush that I didn't even notice the bag slung over his shoulder. It was packed full of different things; food, jewels, spray paint, and different essentials. "Hey, who's the girl," says a taller girl with obviously dyed, purple hair. She leaned against the wall chewing a piece of gum. "Ran into her. Looked like we were going the same way, so I brought her along," Jay replied, removing the contents of the bag and placing them on a dusty table. A boy with a hook on his hand snaked up to me as I stood there awkwardly, tapping his chin with it as he walked around me. His hair was a mess, but it was covered by his hat. The boy's accent was satisfying to the ear as he spoke, "where yah from? Can't say I've seen yuh around." I take a second to speak as I stare at the floor, "oh... uh... I am... from around here. I just... avoid everyone." He nods and stops in front of you with a sort of sly smile, "I'm Harry. Harry Hook, son of Captain James Hook." I nod my head and answer, "(y/n)... I'm an orphan." With a silent 'ah' he slinks away like a cat to join a girl with blue hair. "Hey hey! Look who's back! Jay, my man, whatcha bring back for me, huh," another boy with white hair came from the back with a pep-in-his-step. His enthusiasm made a slight grin creep on to my face. Jay removed a green apple from the bag and sat it in the boy's outstretched hand, "nothing, but you can have that, Carlos." Carlos's expression turned to a sort of annoyance, but it vanished as he bit into the apple. "Okay, guys," Jay claps his hands together. "I would like to introduce everyone to, (y/n). (Y/n) this is Mal, daughter of Maleficent; Carlos, son of Cruella Deville; Uma, daughter of Ursula; Evie, daughter of the Evil Queen, and you've already met Harry," Jay pointed to each as he named them. Carlos gave a slight wave; Evie smiled; Harry nodded, and the others didn't even give an acknowledgement. "And I am son of Jafar," he gave a smile and motioned to himself with his hands, giving a slight bow. "Hey! What about me," says a boy with dirty blonde hair sitting with Uma and Harry. "Oh, and that's Gill, son of Gaston." He leans in to my ear with his hand covering his mouth, whispering, "definitely not the brightest among us." I smirk and stifle a chuckle. Years have passed since then, and we're older now. Our personalities have been skillfully crafted as well as our appearances, which have changed a good bit. Uma had turned into some boss over Harry and Gill. They ran errands for her like dogs as she works for her mother in a dirty restaurant with bad food. Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, and I ran together since we first met. Jay was my best friend out of the four, but, I must say, I grew quiet fond of Carlos over the past couple months before he left with the others to go to Auradon. Of course, I wasn't invited.

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