Easter Egg

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Here you go my little Percy Jackson fans that fangirled(or boyed) over Nico a few chapters ago. I haven't read or seen Percy Jackson personally, but I have the books and plan on reading them this summer when school is over. Om... enjoy this little Easter egg. Also, sorry I'm not a consistent updater with the story. I forget about it or get caught up with stuff at school, so... yeah... life happens.


Ever since that night, Harry and I have been dating. Its been two years since that night, and he still tries to coax me in his bed for more than just kisses. It was something that I was afraid of, and I have even told Harry that before. He doesn't seem to care. Harry would try to rush things and it made me uncomfortable, so I'd end up pushing him away. I could always see the look in his eye. It changed from that first night. That first night was a playful pout of "okay, maybe next time", but now it's a look of disinterest and disappointment. 'Maybe I should have gone to Auradon,' I thought with a sigh as I sat on the old tin roof of a shop building. My heart ached from the news I was given a few hours ago. Gill doesn't know how to shut his mouth, and it can be annoying, but today I was thankful for his constant rambling. Harry had found his way into another girl's bed, but I wasn't told who. It was probably for the best that I didn't know who it was. I had jumped all over Harry after I found out, slapped him, and threw the 'gifts' Harry had given me in his face. Not once did he deny sleeping with another girl, but confirmed that he had been seeing her for a week or two now. How did I not catch his change in demeanor? With a heavy sigh, I rip myself from my thoughts. When I do, I realize there are tears streaming down my face and a hand wiping them away. Before I look to see who it is, my nerves jerk and I slap the hand away and bury my face against my knees, "go away." The person shook his head with a frown, "are you sure you'd like for me to leave you like this, Doll?" My head lifted slightly to see Nico, a concerned and soft expression on his face. My voice cracked as I spoke, "Nico." He smiled before scooting a little closer, wrapping his arms around my shaking body. I don't remember how long he sat there with me as I cried, but when I was done he spoke, still holding me. "Crying over some boy from The Isle? I thought you weren't 'that type of girl'," Nico paused, "don't worry, Doll. He's a low life piece of trash anyways." Nico never liked Harry, and I could always tell, but he had never verbally voiced that opinion before. I glanced up at him, "I'm sorry you had to waste your time being here for something so stupid." Nico cocked an eyebrow, "you aren't even going to question why it is I am here? Well, I'll tell you anyways." The boy smiled and stroked my hair, "I came to comfort you. I would have come before this about a week or so ago, but Father wouldn't allow my leave." I glared without intention as a mixture of hurt and anger hit me, "you knew? Why not write?" He stopped and looked over the water, "because I wanted to tell you in person," he glances back at me, "and I would have if Father would have allowed me to leave. That way You wouldn't have to bare the news by yourself for any amount of time, but I see you've dwelt on it since earlier today alone anyways." I swallow and nod, pressing my forehead against his chest. "I... I'll start writing more often... and visiting," Nico said this awkwardly, as if he were confessing something. I smiled sleepily at him, "I would love that." The boy smiled tightening his grip around my tiny stature, pressing the lower half of his face against the top of my head before looking across the water. "You know, I wouldn't have been able to visit you if you went with Mal, right," he questioned quietly. My heart dropped at the sudden thought, and I realized I had made the right decision in staying. All I could manage was a short nod before I fell asleep against his warm body. The next morning I awoke in the bunker on my old bed, tucked in and warm under the soft blankets. With a yawn, I rubbed my eyes and slowly rolled out of the bed. I glanced in the mirror as I passed by to see my hair a mess and full of knots. Running my fingers through the mess as I entered the living area, I notice a large lump on the couch under a thin blanket. It was Nico, an arm hanging on the edge and hand hitting the floor. 'I figured he would of went back last night,' shrugging it off, I walk into the kitchen and fixed up a bowl of cereal. As I ate, leaning against a hand as I chewed, I hear faint footsteps and a scratchy voice, "g'morning, (Y/N)." Nico's hair stuck up in every way and place possible, giving him an adorable bed head look. With a slight smile, I reply, "morning, Nico. I thought you would of left last night." Nico started to scavenge the cabinets for food, his morning voice still in play, "I told Father I wouldn't be returning for a while." I nod and continue to eat my cereal. After that, Nico and I have been living in the bunker together for nearly two months now. We started switching out days for who would sleep on the couch, because I wasn't going to let him sleep there the entire time he stayed. That thing was the most uncomfortable couch anyone could ever imagine. Tonight was my night to sleep on the couch, on top of that it was my birthday. Nico had surprised me that morning with a cake he had baked earlier that morning. And that was the most I've celebrated my birthday since Mal and the others had left the first time around. As I lay on my back, unable to get comfortable, I hear the soft familiar footsteps that belonged to Nico entering the bunker. "Welcome back. You've been gone for a while," I say as he closed the door. With a soft grin, he rubbed the back of his neck, "I had to pick up something." I noticed a small bag in his hand, and my heart began to pick up its pace when he came towards me. Nico sat on the floor before me and handed me the bag nervously, "Happy birthday." I opened the bag to pull out a long box, inside was a beautiful necklace with my birthstone as a charm. "It's beautiful," the chain was a sterling silver entwined with a length of gold. "Uh, (Y/N), listen. I've been... the whole reason I came here in the first place," he swallowed, "I love you." A blush creeped over my face, and my heart raced, "N-Nico." The raven-haired boy continued, "would you be my girlfriend, and return with me to the underworld?" I hugged his head against my stomach, "y-yes, of course." He wrapped his arms around me and pressed his face into my belly with a smile, face red. Nico pulled away and looked up at me with a wide smile, "you can have the bed tonight." I blushed a couple more shades of red as I spoke, "we could... share the bed tonight." Nico glanced away, "if you're sure you want to." I nodded, and he didn't wait for me to change my answer before picking me up and carrying me to the bed. We had always been close and picked with each other, sometimes things got a bit carried away, but we've both known for a long time that we loved each other. Or, at least, had feelings for each other. As we lay side by side under the comforter, neither of us could sleep. Both way too giddy to calm down. Nico had an arm around me, running his fingers through my hair and glancing over my face. "I can't sleep... maybe we should have slept in separate places," I stated disappointed. "I can always go back to the couch," he said kindly. With a quick motion I clung to him, arms and legs wrapped around his body, "no, I want you to stay." He chuckles a little and pulled me a bit closer, arms around me, "I won't leave then." He plants a kiss on the top of my head, causing my cheeks to flare as I let him go, only holding on with my arms. Nico lifted a hand to my cheek before kissing me softly and pulling away. The feeling sent a spark through me, and I longed for him to kiss me once more. As if he could read my mind, Nico presses his lips against mine again, more confident this time. We sat there like that for what seemed like forever before it started to become heated. I lay on top of him, hands tangled in his hair. Nico's hands searched for a place to let his hands rest, being respectful about it. He finally let his hands rest against the small of my bare back where my shirt had crept up. Because of the sudden coldness of hands touching my back, I gasp. He moved his hands and pulled down my shirt, "sorry." I laugh a little and press my forehead against his, "it's fine. You can put your hands back if you want. It should warm them up." Nico grinned and slipped his hands back under my shirt, causing me to tense up and soon relax when they warmed up. With that, our lips met once again. Let's just say, Nico gave me a better time in bed that night than Harry ever did.

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