Chapter 4

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Weeks have passed by since Carlos and the others left. I've sat on the tops of old run-down buildings to watch the island my friends were on. For the first time ever, since they've left, I received a letter. The handwriting was a bit sloppy, so it made the letter a little difficult to read. It was from Carlos. The letter contained information about the school and things he had done since arriving. I see he's over his fear of dogs, because he mentioned befriending one. He didn't say anything about coming back for me, or how long it would be. I finally just narrowed the situation down to think that it was too risky to put that sort of information in the letter. My reply was short, especially since I had never wrote one before, but that was the first time. The letters kept coming as weeks steadily passed, but I was becoming impatient. I don't think they'll be back any time soon, so I just stopped replying. On a better note, my relationship with Uma, Harry, and Gil has progressed, even if it is in just the slightest way. I started with Gil, since he was the most approachable. He can be an idiot sometimes, but he's not that bad. His jokes are very cheesy, but they're strangely funny. I've also learned not to trust him with information since he'd forget it, or his big mouth would start blabbing. I've spent little time with Uma and Harry, but Harry seems to be trying to work a spot for his relationship with me. He'd swagger up to me with that same sadistic smirk slapped on his lips, running that cold hook across my jawline or neck. I'm not shy around him, but I'm not comfortable either. Though, I must say, whatever he's doing is starting to affect me. I try and separate myself from him, making excuses of why I can't go snatch a few valuables with him. Uma and I speak occasionally. It's usually after I go around patrolling the place to see how everything is looking up. She's become the boss around these parts now. I don't mind. I have my own bunk on her ship without having to worry about food. Occasionally I'd go spend some time in the old bunker, keeping it clean and spray painting some more graffiti on the wall. I used to enjoy the eery silence the bunker provided when everyone left me alone, but not now. The silence was uncomfortable since it was like that all the time now. Sometimes I'd turn on the television and– the sound of footsteps broke me from my reminiscing thoughts. I lifted my head and realized how dark it was, blinking my dry eyes a few times. As I yawned I heard someone speak, "I thought you'd be up here." The voice belonged to Harry. As I rubbed my eyes and let my legs, which were sore from being held against my chest, hang off the edge of the roof, Harry sat down beside me. One leg hung over the edge while the other was pulled up in a bent position, arm propped up on it. He looked over at the Island of Auradon before glancing over at me, "one day we'll be able to run around those yards and rule it all." I squirm a little bit, "you mean Uma will be ruling it all." He went silent and sighed, tapping his hook against the tin roof. "Uma has been looking for you. You were out later than usual tonight," he hung the hook on the loop of his jacket. I run a hand through my hair and sigh, "I don't see why she cares." He looks down and back towards Auradon, "because she's your captain. Also, this showed up. Still keeping contact with the traitors I see." Harry reached in his coat and handed me a letter, which I snatched out of his hand. "Whatever, Harry. What do you want," I ask holding the letter tightly in my hand. "Nothing, just checking in. Oh, and we'll keep this between us," he said getting up, referring to the letter before leaving.

Love Battle (Harry x Reader/ Carlos x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now