Harry's Ending

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I glared at Mal, saying the only word that I could manage at the moment,"no." She looked a bit shocked, taking a few seconds to recover, Mal replied, "no? What do you mean, 'no'?" I looked her in the eyes as I explained, "I do not have any sort of feelings towards Carlos. Or any of you for that matter. When you left me on this island, I watched for you every day. Now what. You expect me to just come over with you and shake it off like it never happened. Mal, you just so happened to pop up, do you really expect me to go that easily?" Mal threw a hand in the air, bringing it down on her thigh, "okay. Okay, fine. Whatever, it doesn't matter anyway." I nod in slight agreement before crossing my arms. I glanced around the room, finically speaking the real question on my mind, "what are you even doing here, Mal? Why in the name of Hades would you come back?" The girl sighed, "because, (y/n), no one understands how I feel. Okay? I wasn't happy. I missed all of this." She spread her arms wide in a motion as if she was displaying something, "I'm just... homesick, I guess." I closed my eyes and laughed slightly, "Uma isn't happy. I hope you know that. Have a nice night, Mal." As I turned to leave, Mal called out to me, "(y/n), wait. Where are you planning to go?" I wave her off in a 'don't worry about it' manner. She would have to deal with the consequences of coming back here on her own. Soon, I was walking to streets of The Isle, loosing track of time. It was almost midnight, and I didn't feel tired, the thought of earlier events flooding my brain. That's when I heard a familiar voice, "(y/n)! What are you doing out here so late? It's freezing." I turned to see a worried Harry, but he soon went back to his aloof behavior as soon as he realized I spotted him. I haven't even noticed how cold it was until he said something, that's when chills began to run down my spin, "uh... just thinking. I didn't even notice the cold until you said something." Harry caught up to me and began to remove his heavy coat, "here. Put this on and let's go to the ship." He slipped it over my shoulders and I could still feel the heat from where he had wore it, "are you sure? I mean... you aren't cold?" The pirate shook his head and grabbed my arm, leading me through the dark town. I noticed he wasn't wearing his hook and glanced up at his face. If I hadn't noticed it before, I noticed it now, but there was a tight feeling in my chest. It made me feel sick, but I didn't understand what it meant. Before I could catch myself staring, Harry looked down at me quizzically, "something the matter?" My face began to flame, and I looked ahead, "no. Nothing." I was thankful for the darkness, because I could feel the red on my face. By the time we reached the ship, the nervous feeling had receded and I was back to my level-headed self. Harry had let go of my arm, and I waved, heading towards my bunker. I felt my arm jerk and a light pressure as he caught my arm, he pulled me slightly as if to say 'come with me.' My breath had caught in my throat as I whispered in a barely audible voice, "okay." He led me to his cabin, which was bigger than my bunker, and closed the door behind him. I glanced around the room, spotting a chair, I go to sit down. I've been in his cabin before, but it was always a quick visit to fetch him for Uma. His Scottish accent sounded like a melody as he spoke to me, "I went and picked you something else up, by the way." He was standing in front of a dresser, picking up a small box. "Really? That's a surprise," I said sarcastically as he handed the box over to me. "I could see why," he responded with a slight laugh, sitting on the bed across from me. Harry nodded towards the box, and I opened it to find a pair of skull stud earrings. I pulled them out to get a better look at them. They were lined with pure gold and silver, I smiled, "did you steal them?" He was looking at me intently, breaking the expression with a frown, "no, actually." I was a bit shocked, but smiled, "wow, you're just full of surprises tonight." We both laughed as I put the earrings away. "I have one more gift, but first I have to tell you something for you to get it," he smiled sheepishly. 'That's not a normal thing for you... what are you thinking,' I thought to myself as he started talking. "I've been... admiring? You for a while now. I don't know how you haven't noticed, but... um... how do you feel," he spoke cautiously, as if anything he said would trigger something inside of me to slice his throat. My heart was racing in my chest, and I forced a blush away as I attempted to remain cool. "Harry... honestly, I'm not sure how I feel. It might be that I feel the same way, but I don't know," I glanced at the cracked up wooden floor as I waited for his response. "Then why don't we find out? Here's your last gift," he responded in a different tones than I usually heard from him. Harry had grabbed my wrist lightly, pulling me towards him. I willfully stood and stepped over to him. He pulled me down to sit sideways on his lap. His leg bounced slightly as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I was scared to look him in the face, knowing it would probably turn fifty shades of red. That's when I felt a warm tingling sensation on my neck. It was soft, gentle, and satisfying. I relaxed a little bit, allowing a satisfied sigh escape my lips. Harry's chuckle was deep and creamy as he licked my neck up to my cheek. I turned my head to face him, and, almost as quick as I turned, his lips were on mine. I jerked back by instinct, not being ready. He pouted a little, tilting his head. Harry leaned in slower this time and kissed my lips softly. I let my arms slip around his neck as I returned the kiss, tangling my fingers in his hair. As I tugged on his messy brown hair, he became a bit rough with the kiss, and tried to muffle a groan. "Mm," I growled as he tried to slip his tongue inside my mouth, fighting it from entering by tugging his hair a bit harder. Harry smirked against the kiss, allowing his groan to break through. He laid back on the bed so that I was laying on top of him. He allowed his hands to wander around my back and legs, stroking them softly. Soon I pulled away, barely out of breath. The boy stared up at me with a smirk, "what? Too much?" I smirked, "I'm not panting yet." Harry raised an eyebrow, smirking as he growled, "we're just warming up, sweetheart." After that last word slipped from his lips, Harry flipped us so that I was under him. I had gasped, heart beginning to race faster than before. His tongue had dove into my gapped mouth, beginning to deepen the kiss. As we did, Harry nibbled the tip of my tongue lightly before coaxing it inside his own mouth to suck on. I took a sharp breath as he released my lips, causing me to pant, and skipped kisses down to my neck. Harry started at the crease in my neck and chin, leaving a trail of kisses down to my collarbone. I held back my sighs, until he began to suck and nibble on my sensitive spot. I could feel him smirking against my neck as I breathed through my mouth in gasps and sighs. When I felt him trailing down farther, I pleaded, "Harry, no." I grabbed his face in my hands. He kept his eyes on my body as I pulled him up to meet my gaze. His eyes were hungry, but I smiled, "no more. Not tonight." He growled and pouted. I kissed him once more, sighing sleepily as I laid back down. Harry rolled off of me and sat up to pull off his boots. I had closed my eyes whenever I felt a tugging on my foot, Harry was taking my shoes off, "I guess I'm staying the night in your room?" He nodded without a word. After pulling off my shoes, he crawled to the head of the bed, pulling me up to him, "come on." We slipped under the sheets and he hugged me to his chest tightly, "you're mine now. Remember that." I nodded sleepily, cuddling up against him. My breathing soon shallowed out and I fell asleep against his warm body.

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