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Haru'a Pov
I kept walking as I saw a stranger man with sold black hair and red glowing eyes walk towards me.
"What do you want?" I say with no emotions in my voice or face.
The man start to blush "w-why are you like th-" he stopped himself.
I didn't know why or what to do.
my emotions was gone I didn't know if I had to be confused or something else.
He lifted up my jacket and saw all my scars.
I didn't do anything I just started walking but the strange man grabbed my hand.
"may I help you?" I ask the unknown man with no emotions in my voice.
"I want to help you.." the unknown man says. I pull my hand away and started walking but the man grabbed my waist and put me over his shoulder. I didn't care.
I stayed still with a lifeless look in my eyes the man started walking the opposite direction I was going in "doesn't the scars hurt?" The unknown man asked.
I shakes my head and just stirred at the unknown mans back of his jacket.
"I'm Wren...Wren Neverless" he says as he opens a door to a tiny apartment and puts me down "Koroshi..Haruka Koroshi" I say just standing there but falls to my knees but still not being able to feel anything "Nice to meet you, Koroshi" the man says while helping me up "you don't have to be formal" I say with no emotions in my voice and a deathly look in my face.

Wren's Pov
I look at Koroshi face and see it's like he's dead "oh sorry" I apologize "it's fine" Haruka says with no emotions.
By all the scars on him I keep wondering what happened to him.
He looked like he was in high school but by his face and he's expressions.
He seemed more older like he saw something he shouldn't have.
"Let me get you some clothes" I say putting him on the couch and walks into my room grabbing a white teeshirt and some black ripped pants and a needle and thread I walk back into the room with the Haru look at the palm of his hands but I in turpitude him by saying "I got you some clothes".
He stops looking at his palms and looks at me "what's the needle and thread for" he say with a deadly look in he's eyes "oh I just thought you might want to stitch up those cuts" I say with a smile and handing him the clothes "oh" he says with no emotion in his voice.

He takes off the thin jacket and puts the shirt on and the pair of jeans on.
"If you don't like it i can go get something else" I say no sure if he liked it or not.
"It's fine" he say still not knowing if he's lying or not "ok. Give me your hand" he gave me his hand not questioning anything I start pulling the needle through his skin as it slowly start to pull together.

The stitches went up his middle finger and around his arms "what about your legs?" I say as slowly rolling up his pants leg but he didn't flinch or move, but his legs were worse then he's arm and hands "oh my lord! What happened to you!?" I say not meaning to be loud. "nothing" Haru said while looking up at the ceiling with his lifeless dead eyes.

Haru's Pov
"Why does this guy care so much?" I thing to myself while looking at the gray and old ceiling but before I knew it he was done "done" Wren said as he stood up.
"Thanks" I say looking at my leg and arms "it's like i'm a dead corpse" I say while picking at the stitches "don't pick at it! It will start sting for a while" he said while pulling my hand away from the stitches.
I didn't reply back I just sat there.
"I know this isn't really my business but why we're you in the middle of the street while it's snowing? And half necked" Wren asked me.
"Oh..um" I didn't know if I should tell this strange guy the truth or just tell him a lie but I ended up tell him the truth, telling him every detail, every moment that happened.

Wrens Pov
I had a terrifying look on my face from what he told me "happy birthday.." I tell him.
"Thanks. So how long until you pick up the phone and call the police?" Haru ask me with no emotions and He just go back to picking at my stitches "I-I I'm not going to and stop that!" I say while pulling Haru's hand away from his stitches.
But Haru just rolled his eyes and gets up "I'll be leaving now.." Haru say walking towards the door.
"What. you can't. If you leave you'll get caught" Wren say while he take a couple steps towards him while the old floor start squeaking.
"I'll be fine" Haru says while trying to open the door.
"You can't open anything while those stitches are on you" I say with a smart remark.
"Then take them out" he says while turning to me and putting his hands out.
"Nope!" I say loudly and pulls him to a extra room inside my tiny apartment.
"I'm not staying here. I'm going to need more room then this" he says looking around at the room.
"Well you can't open anything so it look like your-" I cut myself off as he opens the door.
"Oh what was that again I think I got it covered" Haru say while taking a couple steps outside.

"You can't just leave! you need help!" I says mad and considered but it looked like Haru didn't care there was no emotions in he's face
"You did help me" Haru says with his ocean blue eyes looking back at me.
"But you can't live out there with all the stitches and crap! Your going to look like you can't take care of yourself!"
He blue eyes made a shiver go down my spine

That's it for today see what happened to Haru and Wren in the next chapter :) well bye.

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