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We were staying in Paris to get away from your parents.
-The Chainsmokers


"Sharna, let's run away and get married."

"Woah, Val, what is going on?"

"It's what I said: let's run away and get married."

"Where would we "run away" to?"


"You want to run off to Maui and get married?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"Why not?! Valentin, did you just ask me 'why not'?!"

He nodded.

"So, why in the world do you just want to run away so suddenly?"

He sighed before sitting down with Sharna.

"I know you can't read anything in Ukrainian, but look at this." He flashed her a glimpse of a seven paragraph email typed up in Ukrainian from his parents.

"Yeah, so what does it say?"

"Basically just how I need to settle down right now because Maks and Peta already gave Shai on the way, and...that's not what I want for my life, but I also want to make them proud, but--"

"Wait! You're telling me that you want to up and get married just because of this? You aren't Maksim Chmerkovskiy, you are Valentin Chmerkovskiy, okay? Maks may be family and wife, but you aren't. You've said it yourself that you don't want to settle down right now. But if you want to run away and get married, I'd be more than happy to be your bride."

"Who am I kidding?!" He started to pace. "We can't just go and get married!"

"Literally two minutes ago, that's what you said you wanted."


"Val.." She laughed lightly. "You said it to me without warning. How was I supposed to know?" She laughed again.

"Let's truthfully run away and get married." He said, reassuringly.

"Okay, Val."

"You're serious about this?" He asked her.

"Yeah, I already have my wedding dress."

Sharna had already gotten her dress when Val accidentally slipped that he was going to propose to Sharna in the Winter of next year.

And he didn't deny it.


"So, let's go get plane tickets!"

The couple knew a guy at the airport, and they got them tickets straight to Maui.

And off they went.


So many hours, some sleep, some hair, and some makeup, and a few Instagram selfie posts later, the couple said: "I do."

And they were legally married.


If we go down, then we go down together. We'll get away with everything, they'll say that I was clever.
-The Chainsmokers

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