American Dream

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We broke down, trying to leave town.


Sharna had locked herself in her bedroom all day.

She needed to think.

She was just offered a job in L.A. to be on a few huge movie projects.

But then she would be leaving her life in The City.

New York City.

It also wasn't like the crew was helping.

Val told her to do what her heart pulled her towards, and that he'd go whenever she is.

Peta. She couldn't leave Peta! I mean, she just couldn't do it.

What the heck was she supposed to do?

For all we know, the show could cut her while she's on the film sets and not sign her back.

But also, where has she even gotten?

She's one of the longest running pros, and has nothing to her name.

She knew what she had to do.

"Come on, Mergatroyd, answer me!" Sharna shouted to herself as the phone kept ringing.

"Hey, Shar, good morning, what's up?" Peta asked.

"Get both of you down here!" Sharna exclaimed in a panic.

"Maks and I?"

"Who else would I be talking about?!"

"Good point, Lovely, we'll be down in ten. Any reason?"

"I've made up my mind."

"Make that five minutes." Peta said.

"See you soon." Sharna said as she disconnected the call.

"Val!" Sharna called.

"Yeah, Babe?"

"P and Maks are coming over, I'm going to tell them what I've decided."

"Okay." Val nodded. "They'll be so proud of you." He kissed her lips.

"Gosh, I hope so."


"'s taken a lot, a lot of careful consideration, but I'm going to take the film job in L.A." Sharna said, avoiding eye contact with Peta.

"SHARNA!" Peta exclaimed. "SHARNA, I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" She attacked her sister with a hug.

"It'll be amazing, Shar, I know it!" Maks kissed her forehead.

Peta hugged Sharna until she couldn't breathe anymore.

"So, Babe, when do you leave?" Maks asked.

"In like...six hours."

"Wow...Sharna, that's, that's soon." Peta exhaled.

Sharna nodded, tears threatening to fall.

"No, no, Shar, don't cry!" Peta chuckled as tears of her own fell. "We'll be back here waiting for you."

Sharna nodded and Peta went to go help her pack.


Six hours later...

"You ready, Baby?" Val asked, kissing her head.

"Yeah." Sharna exhaled loudly and hugged Maks and Peta once more. "Let me just go make sure I didn't forget anything." Sharna went back to the apartment, Peta following.

"What are you doing, Sharna?" Peta asked.

"I just need to look around for a minute." She nodded.

"I'll wait outside with Maks, alright?"

"Alright." Sharna nodded and waited until Peta left to start walking around.

She pulled out her phone and dialed a very important phone number.


After a twenty minute call, Sharna came back outside.

"Val, give me my suitcase back."

"What?" Val asked.

Peta soon caught on. "Babe, you did not!"

"Val!" Sharna said once again.

"Sharna, do you know what you're doing?!" Maks asked.

"Yes. I'm staying."

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