Quarter Past Four

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Quarter past four, and I'm feeling alright, I'd love to close my eyes, but I can never rest my mind.
-Avriel and the Sequoias


Lindsay looked at the clock: 4:15 a.m. She began to wonder why in the heck she thought getting to the studios this early would be a good plan, but then she remembered that she was there for Jordan. She was there to win this thing for him.

"Linds?" A familiar voice startled her.

She turned behind herself. "Jordan freaking Fisher, you scared me, now, what are you doing here?"

"That's the question I have for you." Jordan sat beside her in the dimly lit studio.

"Just working on the stuff for this week. And next week. And the one after that. And that. I'm basically blue-printing our season in the mindset that we'll win. In essence, I'm choreographing and mentally staging us to win this thing right now."

"Why do you do this? Like seriously? What happened to 'one week at a time', eh?"

Lindsay laughed. "Have you not picked up that every pro says that, but it's always a lie?"

Jordan playfully looked offended. "YOU'VE BEEN LYING TO ME?!" His expression quickly melted into laughter. "No, no, but seriously?"

"Yeah, seriously. Sharna literally does every dance like a billion weeks in advance." Lindsay laughed.

"Alright, alright." He calmed both of them from their laughter. "But really, you look exhausted, Linds."

"Jordan, I'm fine. Honestly." She closed her binder. "And you never answered me about why you were here so early."

"Oh. You see, I was texting you like "hey, Linds, I'm picking up some food and I'm getting you something, what do you want?" And then you never responded and that concerned me because I know you're always down for food." He laughed. "And I knew I could find you here."

"You know me too well." Lindsay chuckled.

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