28 (TW)

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I'm going to try and make this one decent so if it's late am sorry

Remember that Liz is the best friend that died years ago. (The dream is in first person and the rest isn't (: )


"Hope, wake up. " A soft hand on my cheek and a gentle, familiar voice woke me up. The hand retracted once I opened my eyes and instead moved to my back to make me sit up. "Finally, I've been trying to wake you for like ten minutes now!"

The incredibly peaceful moment was shattered and turned into a fun, carefree one. I looked around to find the voice, rolling my eyes when I saw Liz with a shiny mask on her face and a clean, soft looking robe around her.

"You know you have to be aggressive to wake me. I'm a heavy sleeper. "

"How come just my touch woke you, then?" She raised one brow and stood up from her bed. I rubbed my eyes and threw my feet off to the side of the bed. The cold wood made me shiver but I ignored it and followed her into the bathroom.

"Put this on. " She pushed a jar across the counter, watching me as I picked it up and rolled my eyes. "It's the first day of sophomore year, we have to look good. Now put it on or so help me God I-"

"Fine, but while I do go get me some coffee. " I unscrewed the lid and picked up the little plastic scooper.

"Alright, I'll be right back. " Liz ran out of the bathroom quickly, shutting the door. I continued to put the weird mask on, putting it all back together once I finished. I reached for the door handle, pulling it open without thinking much of it.

Everything changed when I did, though.

The once bright, messy room was dark and clean. Her bedroom door was shut, along with her closet. I looked around in a panic, noticing how even though just seconds before it was six in the morning and now it was probably three.

I was about to step towards the bed, but the door flew open. I expected it to be Liz, but was surprised when instead her mother walked in. .

She looked around for Liz before seeing the envelopes on the bed.

She approached the bed slowly, sitting and reaching for the one titled 'Mom&Dad. '

I watched her open it and read it. I watched her drop the letter and let out a painfully loud scream. I watched her walk right past me and kick the bathroom door in. I watched her run to her daughters lifeless body and pull her into her arms.

Liz's dad came running in, him having the same reaction. Next her little brother and sister, then staying by the door, obviously confused.

I was watching all of this go down with tears streaming down my face. Suddenly, I heard the sound of a phone vibrating, and I recognized it to be mine.

I pulled it out of my pocket, not bothering to check who it was before answering.


"My baby is gone. My baby is gone!"

Hope woke herself up screaming. Sweat covered her body, tears filled her eyes, and random wounds on her arms from scratching. That was the worst nightmare shes ever had.

The first the she did after sit up and take her hair down was call Kyle. She didn't expect him to answer, seeing as it was nearly four in the morning, but he did, and surprisingly he sounded wide awake.

"Hope, what's up?"

"I, um. " She stopped to rub her nose. "I had a nightmare and I was hoping I could just talk to you for a little. "

There was a few seconds of silence before he spoke up again. "I'll be over in a sec, okay?" And then he hung up.

Kyle wasn't lying about a second. He simply shit his laptop and took off running. He knocked as aggressively as he did yesterday and waited for her to answer.

"Kyle you didn't need to come over, I meant the phone. "

"Sucks. "

She let him inside, letting him lock the door while she walked back to bed. He followed closely behind, looking down at her messy hair. It looked cute to him.

She slept next to the wall usually, so when they both climbed into her bed Hope was laying on her left side resting her head on his chest. "What would you like to talk about?"

"Can I tell you about it?"

"Of course you can, Hope. " he gently kissed the top of her head before resting his chin on it.

"It was about liz, and um, I just relived the last day I had with her and then watched her mom find her body. " Hope didn't want to cry, so she distracted herself for a second and played with his shirt. "And it's kind of weird because I haven't thought much about that lately. "

"That's terrible. I'm sorry you had to relive that. " Kyle played with the ends of her hair. "Maybe you'll sleep better with me. "

"Everything's better with you Kyle. "

They both got comfortable in each other's arms before closing their eyes and trying to sleep.

Just as they were drifting to sleep, thought Hope whispered to Kyle, "Please don't leave me. Ever. "


Two weeks.

That's how long Kyle has left here in California.

Kyle woke up way before Hope because he was way too anxious. He knew that eventually she would know, but telling her right now with everything going on just didn't seem like a good idea.

Kyle laid there, contemplating on the hows and the whens. A little over an hour past before Hope was finally awake.

"Good morning. " He smiled and pushed her hair away from her face.

"How did you sleep?"

"Better when you got here. I didn't have any more nightmares. "

"I'm glad. Well, we should probably get up and start our day. " Hope pulled her arms away and sat up.

Kyle got up from the bed, leaving her bedroom and walking into the kitchen. He opened up random cabinets in search of food. There was almost nothing.

"How many pieces of toast do you want Hope?" He yelled across the house.

"Um, none. I'm not hungry. " Hope entered the kitchen and opened a cabinet. She pulled out two prescription bottles and got out the amount.

"Hope. " He dropped four pieces into the toaster. "You have to eat, doctor says so. "

"Well I say no. "

"Hope. "

"Kyle. "

"Eat. "


Yo fam I was going to make this really long but I have things to do today so I'll finish it Monday :) ❤️

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