Let's Do This- Hopefully

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm beeping frantically. *7:00* I have to get ready! school starts in less than half an hour and I have just woken up. Great thinking Riley. I brushed my teeth, had a shower and combed my hair. I chucked on a t-shirt and track pants with black NIKE shoes. No time for style.

I  rushed out the door with my books almost flying out of my (also) NIKE bag. I jumped on to the bus and sat down. few! I calmed myself down from what had just happened and started to play free addicting apps on my phone. The bus pulled up at school and I hopped out.

My eyes greeted the openly welcome school logo, which shone so brightly it looked like it may have been cleaned for once. I ran into Jessie Salar and Eric Jukenigh, the school prefects. "Um, excuse me- Riley. You know that does NOT meet the dress code." exclaimed Jessie. "You should know this." "Oh please, just let me pass already." I said as I pushed through them. I caught up with my friends, Alley, Ben and Rick. They were dressed matching, as they are triplets. "Yo, Riley!" "Hey Ri!" they said excitedly. "What classes?" "Umm, I have geometry with- ugh, geometry with Miss. Ziox." I said dramatically. "Good luck, mate" "yeah, good luck." they said sympathetically. "Well, I'll catch you guys later!" I yelled running up the long stairway.

I sat down in my classroom chair and  waited for the bell.

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