Where He Went...

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We were all shaking in horror when she came back, hoping we wouldn't be next. We sat wondering where he went and what she did to him. Mrs Ziox whispered in a nice voice to the class, "Open your books to page ninety seven."

The rest of the period was dead silent. No one dared spoke a word, and just sat hoping class would end. The hour seemed like a year to the students, as they studied their books. Finally Mrs Ziox's class had ended, and we stumbled out the door to find Josh shivering on the floor. We all ran over to see if he was okay, but he wouldn't speak. The nurse was walking by and found him with us crowded around.

"What happened? Did you lot have anything to do with this?" she said in shock. "No! Mrs Ziox took him out of the class, but then he didn't some back. We have only just found him!" exclaimed Trisha Hudson. "What nonsense! Mrs Ziox is a lovely teacher and would never do such a thing, or anything like that! I suggest you all run to your next classes as I take poor Josh to the nurses office. Chop chop!" she said disbelievingly.

We didn't find what happened to Josh at all, until a week later, when I found what looked to be stains on the wall.

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