(13.) It's You

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 Real sht drama starts here...  hang on. Enjoy loves!


“Hey, Doyoung. What are you up to?”
“Leave me alone.” Doyoung was in the middle of revising his notes for his next class when a certain vampire, who had just arrived, decided to turn his mood sour at the very start of the day. But despite Doyoung’s venomous tone and aloof attitude, the other wouldn’t go away. “What do you want, Jung?” 
“You,” Jaehyun answered with a smirk plastered on his face.
Doyoung rolled his eyes in exasperation at the other male that stood across his table before he returned back to his own task. “Fuck off.”
“Chill, I’m not doing anything.” Jaehyun took a nearby chair and dragged it close to Doyoung’s desk then sat there. “Well, not yet.”
“Move away, Jung. You’re breathing on my air.”
“But I like being close to you.”
“Get a life.”
“You are my life.”
“What are you blabbering about now?!?” Doyoung had raised his voice out of nowhere when he regarded Jaehyun. The sudden increase of timbre in his tone stunned the room and his classmates turned their heads towards them. Doyoung almost forgot that there were other occupants of the room besides them, he ducked his head to avoid their prying eyes. So much for being invisible. But unlike him, Jaehyun didn’t care, he remained steady and unfazed. He was that shameless.
“You really need to calm down, Doyoung.” Jaehyun chuckled freely, showcasing his array of perfectly white teeth before he leaned his body forwards so that he was resting his elbows against Doyoung’s desk.
“Yeah, says the nuisance.”
“You’re mean.”
“And you aren’t?” Doyoung shot back. Goodness, Jaehyun was really irritating!
“Touche.” Jaehyun grinned in amusement, evidently impressed by the other’s reply. “But I’m only mean to other people, never to you,” he emphasized but Doyoung only snorted.
“Yeah right.”
But before Jaehyun could think of another lousy come back, the school bell suddenly rang and all the other students in the room hurriedly went to their seats. And although Jaehyun still wanted to bug Doyoung some more, he was left with no choice but to disperse as well. The teacher arrived shortly and classes commenced.

It was another ordinary day for Doyoung, lessons were never difficult, nobody paid him any attention and he barely interacted with anyone- everything went smoothly. But Jaehyun was more farfetched. Jaehyun’s desk was in front of Doyoung's and the latter couldn’t help but notice the way the vampire slept nonchalantly in the middle of class, in between lectures. And the worst part was that the teachers didn’t seem to mind, brushed it off like they hadn’t seen it and continued with their discussions. No one complained. Being the school chairman’s younger brother seemed like a sweet life and Jaehyun was enjoying it to the fullest. Not one teacher had ever dared cross Jaehyun’s path before if they wanted both their life and job spared. His older brother doted on him a lot and Jaehyun got away with everything- everyone swarmed far from him because of it. 
Doyoung never understood why Jaehyun was keen on annoying him every chance that he got. Of course Doyoung tried avoiding him like the rest but Jaehyun pops out of nowhere, left Doyoung with nowhere else to hide. They might have been classmates since their freshmen year but they were each other’s exact opposite despite being both vampires. Jaehyun was a pure blood, Doyoung wasn’t. He was the lowest of the low, the bottom of the barrel of their kind- half human half vampire. Doyoung wasn’t exactly human- he fed on blood like the rest- but he wasn’t exactly like them as well. He was exceptionally weak compared to average vampires. He was the same as Johnny; they were the first of their kind. Doyoung was the first ever vampire to be born that way, to possess both characteristics instead of just one.

But Johnny was powerful, Doyoung wasn’t, so nobody cared about him. 

Other than that, Doyoung wasn’t any more special than the rest. He only got into Labyrinth through a scholarship- he wasn’t rich like most people in the school. Doyoung’s mom was a vampire while his father was a human. Albeit the difference in race and the consistent breakout of wars during their time, they still loved each other endlessly. They were kind beings. They wanted the best for their son so they allowed him to go to Labyrinth when Doyoung asked them to. It was one of the best schools in the country, Doyoung’s future would be secured. 
But life in the academy was hard- hell. Students in the school lusted over power. Once others found out what he was, he was looked down upon, bullied by his own people. Doyoung’s first year was tough but he held on, he kept on thinking about his parents and that he didn’t want them to worry so he endured all the ministrations and abuse. When he met Taeil coincidentally, everything became brighter. Taeil was kind enough to be his friend and took him in the student council when he had nowhere else to go. Nobody dared touch him while he was under Taeil’s wing- everyone knew that if they messed with Taeil, they would experience Taeyong’s wrath all together. So his bullies left him alone and went to look for another loser to gang up on.

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