A Kavi Love story

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Kirstie's POV
Mitch came barreling into living room, where all five of us were sitting.
"OMG GUYS GUESS WHAT!" yells Mitch.
We all stared blankly at each other, until Scott breaks the silence with, "You won a $1,000 shopping spree?"
"No, even better!" Mitch replies.
"Oh my gosh, this must be really big if it's better than shopping!" I say, shocked.
"Just spit it out already, come on!" Kevin complains.
"WE ARE GOING TO PARIS!" Mitch screams in his high pitch voice, which can be kind of annoying sometimes but we love him.
Avi finally says something. "Where did you get the money for a trip to Paris?" Avi is the responsible one here; he's always looking out for us.
"Mama won them on the radio. I was listening to Let It Go and when it had ended, there was an ad for winning 5 tickets to go to Paris and stay in a very classy hotel. How could I say no?" Mitch says. It seemed like a very 'Mitch-like' thing to do; he always talks about how badly he wants to go there.
"That's great! I didn't think people actually win those things." Scott replies.
"Mama has her ways." Mitch smirked, "Get packing, our flight is in two days. Chop chop!" he said, clapping twice.
We all get up and start walking towards our room and Avi calls out to us, "It's getting late, so I'm gonna take a shower I will be out in a few." We respond with a "Kay" or "Fine" or something along those lines. I got to my room and started getting out my suitcases when I realized that I don't know what size suit case I should use, let alone how long we are staying there.
"Hey Mitch, how long will we be there?" I yell to Mitch with half of my body outside of the doorframe.
"Just a week, Kirst." he replies.
"Thanks!" I return fully into my room. I go and sit on my bed looking for my phone in the many layers of blankets. It was nowhere to be seen. When I finally find my phone all the way back in the living room, I check the time. Ten minutes has passed. On my way back to my room, I check twitter to see what is going on. Unaware of my surroundings, I bump into something or should I say someone, Avi. Not just plain old Avi but, SHIRTLESS Avi. I try to look away but I can't, I am just there staring at him and studying every inch of visible perfection. Oh, the things I would to to that ma- my thought where interrupted when I heard Avi say "See something you like?"
"What uh... No i was just- erm- thinking!" I say as a snap back into reality.
"About what?" He calls out. I can feel my face getting hot and blushing. He grins that perfect smile of his, blushes and slowly walks to his room.
"God damn it Kirstie you can't like him in that way. What if it hurts our friendship or even the entire bands relationship?" I think to myself, "but flirting never killed anybody."
Avi's POV
"Wow, seriously? Another outburst? Come on Avi pull yourself together!" I scolded myself. "That was totally uncalled for. I can't keep on doing that because I'm supposed to be the mature and quiet one!" I continue down the hall to my room when Kevin scares the shit out of me (not literally of course).
"Kevin! What are you doing in my room? You scared me." I blurted out.
He grins at me and says "So, Kirstie, huh?" Then he bounces his eyebrows as if he knows what's up. I blush as soon as I heard her name and I quickly look away pretending to look for something.
"No man your crazy!" I lied. God why do I have to be such a bad liar?
"Avi stop telling me lies. I have know you for long enough I can tell when you're lying." Kevin says.
"I swear if you tell anybody I will literally kill you!" I said to Kevin keeping a straight face.
"So how long have you liked Kirst?" He asks me as he scoots over to the edge the bed gesturing me to come sit next to him.
"Hey dude can we talk about this after I get dressed?"
"Oh yeah sure sorry, don't take to long I want some answers." He calls out to me as he leaves me room and walks to his.
"What to wear what to wear" I think to myself as a go through my closet "ah here we go! This is perfect and so me!" I hold up a plaid, relatively low cut shirt and my jeans along with my black high top converse. I get dressed and open my door. Standing in my door way was Kevin.
"Oh my gosh Kevin stop doing that! You keep on popping out of nowhere!" I instruct him.
"Yeah yeah whatever. So let's talk about your thing for Kirstie!" He said sounding a lot like a teenage girl gossiping to her bestie.
"SHHHHH somebody is gonna hear you!" I cover Kevin's mouth with my hand and poke my head out of the doorway looking both ways to makes sure nobody heard him.
"Sorry bro, now let's GOSSIP!" He says almost too loud. He sounded like a black version of Mitch when he said that. I move out of the doorway letting him in and then I close the door.
"So where was I? Ah yes AVI LOVES KIRSTIEEEEE!" He yells
"Oh my god Kevin what did I just say about your volume?!" I scold him.
"Avi! It's oh my GOSH! Remember that!" He looked disgusted.
"Sorry but seriously dude be quiet" I remind him.
"Anyway how long have you had a thing for Kirst?"
"A couples years. Uh like two or one and a half." I reply honestly.
"Volume dude. And yeah sorry I thought I told you"
"Well you didn't!" Kevin said turning his head, crossing his arms and pretending to be mad.
"Kervy," He face gets all smiley when I call him that,"you are the second person that I have ever told."
"SECOND! WHO DID YOU TELL BEFORE ME?!" He yells and turns around fast.
"Dude shut up!" I slapped him lightly on the arm, "I told Esther a couple months ago. Even you said that family is the most important thing ever." I said making a rather good point.
"Man, I am your family." He stated putting his hand on pack.
"I know it's just-" I was interrupted by Mitch.
"COME ON QUEENS! MAMA IS TAKING YOU GUYS SHOPPINGGG!" Mitch hollered to us. Within seconds Kirstie sprinted into the the living room where Mitch was. The second I saw her my life was in slow motion. Kevin try's to get my attention but I am focused on one thing. But then my focus was broken again by Mitch.
"AVI, KEVIN YA COMING!?" Mitch exclaims.
"Yeah coming!" Kevin responds for us. Kevin enters the room quickly and I follow slowly.
"Come on slow poke." Scott says to me. I smile at Scott and I noticed that Kirstie is blushing and is looking down. I'm sure Kevin saw the same thing because the grins at me raising one eye brow.
"So who's car are we taking?" I ask. I heard Kevin answered quickly.
"Let's just take one. Scott and Mitch can sit in the front and we," He gestured to me, Kirstie and himself,"can sit in the back." Kevin then grins at me. Kevin why? WHY?
"Well then it's settled. Let's Go!" Scott says turning around to grab his jacket and the keys. I walk to the closet with Kevin he smirks and whispers,"You're welcome." I roll my eyes and grab my leather jacket.
We walk out to the car and I open the door and extend my hand, "Ladies First." I said, my deep voice causing Kirstie to blush.
"Thanks." She mumbles as she climbs in the car. Shortly after she gets in the car Kevin pushes me in the car next to her. I wanted to say THIS IS WAS WHY I NEVER TOLD YOU but I kept my mouth shut. As soon Mitch got in the car he blabbers on about stores he wants to go to.
"Okay gurlsssss, here make the stores that you want to go to" He holds up a map of the entire mall with a sharpie. Of coarse the sharpie is gold and sparkly, being the queen he is I wouldn't expect anything less.
"Wow you really has this planed out didn't you, Mitchie?" I said chuckling a bit.
"Come on Avi, you know I love my little mall visits." Mitch says with the in his mouth. Eww Mitch! Whatever I don't really care anyway. Mitch takes like ten minutes to circle the stores he likes then it was passed to and Kirstie her face light up. She practically rips it out of Mitch's hands.
"Kirsssstie settle down! Gosh somebody is excited!" Mitch says with a bit of sass.
"Hey Kirst you are being so quiet is something up?" Scott says with concern. We all look at Kirstie. She scans our faces and when she sees me she blushes and shoves her face back in the map.
"No I'm fine all good over here." She utters to us.
Kevin speaks up, " if something is up Kirstie you can tell us."
"I said I'm fine." She barks at us.
"Oh sassy!" Mitch and Scott say at the same time.
"JYNX!" "DOUBLE JYNX" they say laughing.
*skip to the mall*
"OKAYYYY where to first?!" Mitch says making various hand gestures.
"OH There is the place that I want to try on dresses!" She says pointing to a store that I can't even pronounce, I think it's French or something.
"And right next to it is Urban Outfitters HOW PERFECT!" Scott says kind of loud but not too loud.
"YAAAS! Kevin and Avi you guys go with Kirst while me and Scott go to Urban Outfitter!" Mitch exclaims as he and Scott run off before I could object.
"Well looks like you're stuck with us." Kevin said nudging me with his elbow.

Kavi: What happens in Paris, stays in Paris.Where stories live. Discover now