A Kavi Love Story- Part 6

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Kirstie POV

"Feel better?" I seductively said shortly after our kiss had ended. He was speechless.

"Uh..yeah" he shakily said as his face slowly started turning red.

"Good." I got up from Avi's bed. As I walked past him I stroked his back with my thin fingers then sashayed out of his room.


Right now I am the happiest man alive. I went from sad and lonely to happy and complete in a matter of seconds. I just want to be with her all day and night, and feel her body up against mine. Good thing nobody can see me right now because my face is bright red and I have a stupid smile slapped on my face, I'm sure I look like an idiot. After I stopped blushing I went into the living were everyone was gathered. As soon as a walk in they start laughing.

"What?" I cluelessly ask.

"Nice lipstick Avi, it's the perfect color for you." Mitch says practically rolling on the floor.

"I think it's a good look for him." Scott jokes.

"Here let me help you get that off." Calls out Kirstie. She then grabs my wrist pulling me into the bathroom with her. "I have just the thing." She bends down to get make up remover from the cabinet below the sink. She pulls out the make removing wipes and rubs it on my lips. Her touch is soft and fragile. Then she stops and I turn to look in the mirror.

"Uh thanks." I said placing my hand on the back of my neck.

"Yeah sure. Next time I just won't wear any lipstick, it's kinda a hassle to take off." Hold on did she just say NEXT TIME. my heart almost skipped a beat. I was freaking out on the inside but I only smiled on the outside. Then we walked out of the bathroom together and returned to the living room.

"Let's rehearse some sing off!" Scott randomly call out.

"Yaaaaas! What should we sing?" Mitch say, I think they have a little plan or something.

"Oh! Since you been gone/ forget you medley," Kevin blurts out before any of us could say something. "That one is like my favorite. And is the origin for meat and potatoes." He smiles at me. I knew that wasn't the real reason why he chose that song. I go to sit down but Mitch stops me.

"What are go doing!" He yells.

"Uh sitting down." I reply thinking he is crazy like duh what else would I be doing.

"No your not, we aren't just circle jamming we are PERFORMING," Mitch says with a sparkly tone when he said the word performing. "Like choreography and everything."

"Kay places everyone." Scott says as we scramble into formation. Scott stood facing away from us, Kevin faced full front as well as Mitch and I, and Kirstie stood with her hand on her hip on the other side of me. Then Kevin and I drop the beat and the trio starts singing. Then Kevin, Mitch and I step back and Kirstie starts singing "since you've been gone" to Scott and I come and put my arm around her. Then Scott introduces the song "Forget You" and I look towards him. Then Kirstie strokes my hand and I almost explode. As Scott sings the words "I guess the change in pocket wasn't enough" Kirstie and I face each other and I take her hand in mine. And I almost got lost and forgot the words but luckily I didn't. And when Kirstie started singing "since you've been gone" I took a couple steeps back to join Kevin and Mitch. Scott and Kirstie sing together and Kirstie pushes Scott away from her. Kevin and I step forward and have this battle thing. Personally I think it is like the coolest thing ever. The trio comes forward and we sing a bit standing in a line. Kirstie and Scott switch places so Kirstie is standing next to me. Then Kirstie and I hold hands, once again I almost explode. Then Kirstie and Scott have this little fight thing and Kevin, Mitch and I on the other side of the room. When Kirstie sings "I get what I want" she turns around and holds my hand. The song ends with us holding hands. My face turns bright red. I would kiss her but not with an audience, that's just weird. But we just stare into each other's eyes in silence. It wasn't awkward because we both appreciate silence unlike Mitch who decides to ruin the moment.

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