The Morning After

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"Ah good morning Kirstie." I yawned while stretching out my arms. Kirstie? What the shit? Where did that girl go? Wait a minuet, I smell bacon. Aw she's making breakfast; she's too sweet to even handle. I threw on some pants because it's looks like she stole my shirt. Well I'm never getting that shirt back.

I walked lazily out of the room and leaned on the door frame.

"Kirst, you really didn't have to make breakfast." I yawned casually.

"After all you did for her last night how could she not." A male voice said. WTF Scott?

"Oh hi Scott." I awkwardly mumbled while rubbing the back if my neck. Considering I'm not wearing shirt and I just had sex with his best friend this is one extremely awkward situation.

"You're an Aires right?" He randomly asked me.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well aires are known for being really good in bed." He smirked.

"Okay, Scott, I think it's time for you to go now." Kirstie said while setting down plates filled with all kinds of delicious breakfast foods.

"Listen we don't want anybody to know about... This," She gestured towards me and herself, "yet. Until we're ready can you please keep this a secret."

"Ugh fine." Scott sighed. "But you're lucky it wasn't Mitch who found out because you know about his love for gossip."

"And he won't find out, right." Kirstie said while pushing him out the door.

"Hey I don't know where those hands have been." (Stole that from "a good idea" I think)

"Oh shut up." And finally he was out the door.

"Kirstie you really didn't have to make all this. You're doing way to much for me." I said while astonishingly looking at the assortment of food.

"Oh I just ordered room service." She giggled.

"But still, thank you."

We sat down together at the table and dug into our food.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked.

"I think Mitch planned some sightseeing. But I'm not sure."

"Oh I hope we do that it would be really fun."

"Yeah, I wanna see the Eiffel Tower really bad."

"I wanna take you there really bad." I smirked at her.

"Good, you better." She smirked. "So Scott and I talked a bit before you woke up."


"So if we want this relationship to work it can't be just sex you know that, right?"

"Yeah, Of course."

"And this could ruin the band's relationship so we would have to work extra hard to make this work. Also we should tell the rest of that band soon."

"Yeah but in a couple weeks or whenever you're ready I will be."

"Totally. Annnnd we talked about you, my big dragon." The tone of her voice dramatically changed.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah and how seductive and sexy you are."

"You're not to bad yourself. Actually you're perfect." I said truthfully.

"No, you're perfect."

"No, you are."

"No, you are." I said poking her ticklish sides.

"We're such a cliché couple." She spoke in between giggles.

"I know right." I laughed.

We talked some more and finished our food. I got to admit it smelled and tasted amazing.

"Can I have my shirt back."

"You look better without one." Kirstie slyly replied.

"So do you." I smirked

"Ugh fine, Kaplan. If this was a hoodie it would be a whole different story."

A/N first I would like to say I'm sorry. I know I haven't updated in like two months and I completely hate myself for it. To make it up to my readers I'll make the next chapter soon (hopefully). Anyway thanks not giving up on me, I love you!!! And thank you somaj for reading.

-xoxo Harper

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