Cassidy/It's not what you think

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Kevin POV(yay!)
Well I'm lost. This party is freaking huge. I can't find Avi or Kirstie or Scott or Mitch. I feel so lonely.
"Hey." I heard a female voice. I looked up at her, holy wow. I don't know if you have ever seen a black women with blue eyes but it is so beautiful. Her vibrant eyes struck ke first but the rest of her is amazing too. Her hair was black, wavy and layered. She wore a silver dress covered in blue lace that perfectly matched her eyes. "Is anybody sitting here?" She gestured to the seat next to me.
"Uh no."
"Good." She smiled. Wow even her smile is amazing. "My name is Cassidy and you are?"
"Im Kevin. It's pleasure to meet you." I shook her hand. "Your eyes are so beautiful."
"Uh thanks." She blushed. Wow I already screwed this up.
"Sorry that was awkward. I should just go now."
"No, it's fine it get that a lot. Stay." She grabbed my arm and looked into my eyes.
"Um okay." There was a long awkward silence.
"Are those contacts or..." I asked probably sounding very stupid.
"Nope. They are real." Said Cassidy smiling that perfect smile of hers.
She didn't smell like alcohol, I'm not the only sober one here yay!
"I think we are the only sober people in this entire party." She said. Her voice is perfect too.
"I literally just thinking the same exact thing, almost word for word." I said in amazement.
"I'm like a strict Christian so yeah." She said.
"Seriously? Me too." Oh my gosh we already have so much in common.
We talked for about one and a half hours. We learned so much about each other like, she is from Dallas, she doesn't like tuna, her favorite color is blue, she plays viola and alto saxophone, she rides horses, she has a mane coon cat named Ozzy, she loves music and loves Chinese food.
"Anyway it was so nice meeting you," she said putting her hand on mine. "I have to go and meet up with my friends."
"Oh yeah same to you." I smiled. I really didn't want her to go but there's alway a sunset in paradise.
"Here, call me." She handed me a slip of paper with her number on it and with that she left. You know that little victory feeling that you get when you ace a test that you thought you would fail? Well that how I feel right now. It's like a mini victory.
Oh shoot. Where is everybody?
"Woo YAAAAAS WERK it Scott!!" Well I found Scott and Mitch. I bet they are wasted. I shove them off the dance floor, the smell of alcohol filled my nose. Ew.
"KEVINNNN. it's about time seriously dude where have you and weregonna much fun LETS DANCE WOOO!" Yelled Scott.
"Guys, you're super drunk. You need to get back to the room or you are going to do something bad and you're going to regret it for the rest of your life. Just come with me come on let's go back." I tugged on their sleeves.
"Kevin I have to find me queen first I know that Beyoncé's here. I canfeelit! I haveBeyoncéradar" Scott said slurring the last couple sentence.
"Guys we need to go back Beyoncé's not here. In fact I think she might be in your room. There's a slight chance." I shrugged.
I finally got them to cooperate and I walked them back to their room.
Scott? Check.
Mitch? Check.
Avi? No.
Kirstie? No.
I walked back to mine and Avi's room and let's just say some things cannot be unseen.
"Avi are you in here!? I didn't see you at the party where are you!" I yelled throwing my jacket on the ground.
No response.
"Avi?" I called.
I heard a slight sound, like a moan or something like this. Oh gosh I hope I didn't her what I think I did. If you know what I mean. As I slowly approached Avi's room it got louder.
"Ohhh Avi." I heard a female voice moan followed by panting. I should really just go now.
"Uh uh uhhhh no hickeys remember?" I heard a firmiliar voice say. Oh no it's....
I heard a few more moans and groans most of them where exceedingly low, Avi. That's it in opening this door weather I like it or not. I swung open the door with my hand over my eyes and I heard laughter.
"HAHAHAHAHA KEVIN WE GOT YOU GOOD!" They laughed/yelled. Oh thank god it wasn't what I thought.
"What?" I said confused.
"We heard you come in and Avi and I decided to play a trick on you." Kirstie said. She still reeked of alcohol. "So we sat here and made sexy noises." Kirstie explained.
"You got to admit it was pretty brilliant." I smirked to my confused roommate. Too bad it wasn't real. What?! Did I seriously think that, oh god I am disgusting.
"Yeah you got me fooled." Kevin said putting his hand on his forehead.
(A/N I'm gonna write something gross so if you don't like it I would just skip this part)
"Hey Kevin's here. Do you want to do something funny because I have the best prank ever." Kirstie whispered to me.
"Uh yeah sure. What is it?" I cluelessly ask.
"follow me." She grabs my hand and leads me into the bed room. She the explains the prank to me. I have to admit it was a really good idea.
"Here I'll start." She whispered. "Avi." She moaned my name in the sexiest voice ever. She repeated this several times with a combination of panting, moaning, groaning along with my name. I was trying so hard to make her not notice my boner. I have experiences A LOT of awkward moments in my life but this was among the top three.
"You have to do stuff too ya know?" Kirstie whispers in my ear. I awkwardly smile at her and join in on the prank.
"Oh shit." Kirstie randomly bursts out.
"You alright?" I ask her.
"No." She covers her mouth and runs to the bathroom.
"Kervy, I'll be right back." I told him rushing to Kirstie's side. She had her face hovering over the toilet and began to gag then vomit.
Being the gentleman I am I held back her hair and rubbed her back.
"It's okay. It's okay. Kirstie you're going to be fine in a second I can feel it." I said to comfort her.
"Ugh I'm never drinking again." Whined Kirstie.
"No offense but I seriously doubt it." I said honestly.
"No you just shu-" Kirstie began to speak but was cut off by more puking.
I whispered more reassurance into into her ear as I held her hair away from her face. When she stopped throwing up and got all fixed up we reunited with Kevin.
"What's that?" Kirstie asked as she gestured to the small slip of paper in his hand.
"Kevin's got a girlfriend!" I yelled.
"OHHH what's her name? What does she look like? Where is she from? What does she like? What is she like?" Kirstie fired unexpected questions toward Kevin. We sat down on the bed next to him.
"Her name is Cassidy Moore. She is black but has naturally bright blue eyes. She is from Dallas. She likes cats, music, horses and Chinese food. She is kind, funny, religious and beautiful. I could go on and on." I could yell that Kevin got lost in his thoughts because he had the certain look on his face that he gets when he thinks or concentrates really hard.
"Looks like both of us are crazy in love." Kirstie exclaimed.
"Make that all of us." I said looking directly at Kirstie. Hope I'm not being too obvious.
A/N sorry about being a bit inappropriate. Kevin finally got a girl YAAAAY I've been waiting to write like a whole chapter just for Kev, he doesn't get enough credit. Anyway I'm gonna go and lick somebody's elbow byeee.
-xoxo Harper

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