Day 1
The tributes are lifted into the arena, and the first thing they all see is the lush greenery around them. The field of grass swirled in the wind around them and it whistled through the forest surrounding the field. In the very center, the cornucopia sat with weapons, food and survival tools. The tributes stood at the ready, and when the gong was sounded, they all ran at once--each trying to grab their selected weapon and supplies. Nadia from District 4 was the first one to reach the cornucopia, and she wasted no time getting out. She grabbed a backpack, a knife and two apples before sprinting into the woods. Ivy from District 2 snatched a sword and slashed away at the other tributes--Amital from District 1, Loraine from District 6, and Shane from District 9 all fell. Unfortunately, Ivy was soon killed by a knife thrown by Trevor in District 5. Trevor escaped into the woods with Ziva who is also in District 5. Cameron and Carly from District 10--obviously allies--fought back to back until they had successfully taken a backpack, a bow-and-arrow, a knife and a loaf of bread from the cornucopia. In order to do so, the pair killed Eliot from District 9, Lily from District 1, Kera from District 2, and Jacklynn from District 6, before reaching safety in the woods. Tobias and Jason from Districts 12 and 11 took a little food from the cornucopia and left almost as quickly as they came. Danielle from District 7 and her partner Aeva from District 11 stole food, a backpack and two knives from the cornucopia, but as they were escaping, Danielle was hit by an arrow shot by Leslie from District 7. Aeva escaped without her ally, and Leslie killed Pierce from District 3 and Lucy from District 4 before escaping. Jane from District 8 and Ariella from District 12 escaped from the cornucopia without a scratch and a backpack. Joe from District 8 killed Raynen from District 3 before leaving the cornucopia empty except for abandoned survival tools, food and blood.
There were only 12 survivors of the blood bath:
Nadia from District 4
Ziva and Trevor from District 5
Leslie from District 7
Jane and Joe from District 8
Cameron and Carly from District 10
Jason and Aeva from District 11
Tobias and Ariella from District 12
The surviving tributes watched the fallen tributes flash across the sky that night--a few tears were shed, and a few laughs were thrown, but nobody else died that day.