Chapter one

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Jade's P.O.V.

"Catch!" Someone yelled across the field, and my instincts took over. I dodged the ball being thrown in my direction by stepping to the side, only to watch as a guy caught it a few feet behind me.

"Sorry!" The guy who threw the ball yelled in my general direction, and I didn't bother answering, but simply threw my hand up in a waving motion.

I returned my attention to the book in my hands, turning the volume up in my headphones. I kept walking forward, not looking where I was going. Suddenly, I bumped into someone and stumbled backwards.

"Sorry," I mumbled and looked up. "Oh come on," I said under my breath.

The person I bumped into was the one and only Jessica Parks, queen B of Cadetti High (or she liked to think so at least). Her light brown hair was in a fishtail braid and her makeup consisted of nude lipstick and fake lashes. She was wearing a plain white t-shirt with black jeans and some white adidas shoes.

"Excuse you," she said, with a disgusted look on her face.

"Just shut up," I said, and sighed. "I accidentally bumped into you, I apologized, just drop it at that, okay sweetie?" Before I walked away, I heard her gasp.

With a smile on my lips, I walked back into school and headed straight for my locker. After opening it, I stuffed my book into my locker and grabbed my English homework instead. Within minutes, I was outside classroom 305 and AP Literature started. When about fifteen minutes had passed, someone opened the door and walked in.

"Good morning Tobias, how nice of you to join us," Mr. Woods, the Lit teacher, said calmly.

"Always nice to be here Mr. Woods," he said back with a smile. Tobias walked back towards an empty seat, and it was next to his friends in the back row.

Mr. Woods usually didn't care when anyone was late, and today was no different. He simply continued with class, but I didn't pay attention for a few minutes. I had to much on my mind.

I have to get over this crush.

I glanced over my shoulder at the back row, but turned back when I noticed a pair of eyes staring back at me.

I really do.

I did my best to focus on Mr. Woods as he - as usual - went off topic and started rambling about the difference between your and you're because he had read an article where the writer had used them in the wrong scenarios. This was the worst thing he knew, so at the end of class, when he wrote an inspirational quote on the whiteboard, as he did at the end of every class, I couldn't help but comment on his grammatical error.

  "Mr. Woods?" I said, making him look at me. "You might want to look at that quote one more time."

  Looking annoyed, he read it out loud. "Don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown out you're-" he stopped reciting the famous quote of Steve Jobs when he reached his error, and silently changed it. The entire classroom was silent up until now, but most of them burst out laughing at this point.

  Mr. Woods dismissed us, and I left the classroom as quickly as human possible, not wanting to have to stay behind.

  English was my last class of the day, so I headed back to my locker to grab my bag. Suddenly, someone was standing next to me. I looked up, and saw Tobias Pickers looking at me.

  Tobias Pickers. Handsome. Hilarious. Kind. He was everything you could want in a guy fitted into a neat package. He was about 6 feet tall, basically my height, and kind of on the skinny side. Even though he didn't have huge muscles (like every guy in every book does), he was still a really good guy. But only if you separated him from his friends, otherwise he would treat you as if you're invisible.

  I tried to keep my cool, but failed miserably. Somehow, I managed to spill the entire content of my locker onto the floor. I heard him snicker, but he quickly recovered and started to help me pick my stuff up. Luckily, it wasn't much so it only took a minute or two.

  "Thank you," I said with a smile.

  "No problem," he said. "Just wanted to say that I liked your comment on Mr. Woods's grammar back there."

  I laughed, and so did he. "Couldn't resist it," I said and put my backpack over my shoulder.

  "Have a nice day," he said and left, walking over to his group of friends. Of which Jessica was in, plus her best friend Julie who looked a lot like a really fit Barbie doll. Her blonde hair was always straightened and she always wore running tights. Other than the two of them, there were two more boys, who were the opposites of each other. One of really tall, one was really short. One was slightly skinny, and one was slightly fat. One was a really good guy, and one was a total dick.

  The tall, kind of skinny, kind guy was called James, and the short, kind of fat, idiot was called Richard. In my head, Richard was called Dick - fitting, I thought. He was one, and sex was one of his favorite topics.

  I stopped staring at them, and walked outside. The sun had gone into hiding since lunch, and the sky was now a dark shade of grey. I sighed, but started walking. It only took a few minutes for the rain to start falling, so I stuffed my earbuds into my pocket, not wanting to risk the rain breaking them.

  Stuffing them into the pocket of my jacket, and kept walking as the rain started to fall down even harder. After another few minutes, I was punching in the four digit code to get into my apartment building and running up the stairs. I put my key into the keyhole and walked inside, locking the door behind me. Soaking wet, I did my best not to make the entire floor wet as well. Running towards the bathroom, I hopped in the shower. The water burnt my toes because they were so cold.

  I spent this time thinking about the day. Even though my comment made Tobias talk to me, I couldn't help but think about how it may have affected Mr. Woods.

  Why did I say that?

  When my bodily temperature was back to normal, I got out and wrapped the towel around myself. I headed for my bedroom, and put on some music. I pressed play on Song on Fire by Nickelback. Wiggling my hips back and forth, I sang along to the lyrics and danced across my bedroom floor.

  Eventually, after an evening spent in front of my laptop watching Netflix, it was time for bed. Switching into my pajamas, I cuddled back into my bed and noticed how my bedroom window was still open. My one bedroom apartment was on the third floor, but I was still nervous about leaving it open. Sighing, I threw the covers off my body and got up to close it. It closed easily enough, and I was beneath my covers quickly.

  It was 10 pm when I got into bed, but having spent too much time on my phone - as always - it was closer to 1 am when I put it down. Setting my alarm to 6.15 am, I put on some soft music and closed my eyes. All My Days by Alexi Murdoch started playing, and I tried to fall asleep. After about an hour of tossing and turning, sleep finally took over, my mind clouded with fantasies of Tobias.


Hi so I hope you liked it. I know it's short, but I'll do better in the future.

Xo Felicia

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