Next Time On Yui's Sadistic Sister

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Hello, my fellow readers! I hoped you enjoyed this story and along with the endings with your favourite handsome vampires anyway, this book is now finished and I'm going to work on the third book which is going to be called 'Yui's Sadistic: A Demon's Fate'. Anyway, here's a sneak a peek of what might happen in the book enjoy and stay tuned for the final book.

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It had been 3 months since Arata was defeated but then one day, two new faces appeared on the scene and they were after (Y/n). These two people were all too familiar to (Y/n) and she knew who they were the moment they revealed their faces. Here's what's going to happen when (Y/n)'s fate comes along with consequences.


Hooded man 1: It's been a while (Y/n)."

(Y/n): "Who are you?!"

Hooded man 2: "You don't remember us? well, can't say I blame you."


Reiji: "I don't know who these people are but, there's a chance they'll come after you."

(Y/n): "But why me? I didn't ask for any of this to happen to me! all I wanted was to have a normal life while I was growing up but all of that changed when that night came."

Reiji: "There are at times when humans can't escape from their fates or destinies."

(Y/n): "But I'm not a human and I'm not a demon either, I'm just little miss in between and I'll always will."


Kou: "Keneko-chan! snap out of it!"

(Y/n): *Ignores Kou and continues to kill the enemies*

Kou: "Keneko-chan!"

Yuma: "It's not good! she's not listening to us!"


Ayato: "Oy Melons! what's the matter with you?!"

(Y/n): *Ignores Ayato and continues to strangle him*

Ayato: "Wake up! (Y/N)!!"

(Y/n): *Snaps out of it* A-Ayato...? *Releases Ayato's neck and backs away in shock* what have I done...? I almost killed you...


Subaru: (Y/n), don't leave us, you mean so much to me and my brothers."

(Y/n): "It doesn't matter what I do anymore, my demon blood just keeps getting in the way and I'm going to end up killing those who are close to me and I can't risk staying here with you guys any longer, I'm scared that'll kill you and those around me."

Subaru: *Looks at (Y/n) shocked* "but that doesn't mean you have to leave us for good, there has to be a way so we can help you."

(Y/n): *Looks at Subaru sadly* Nodoby can save me, not even you, your brothers or the other vampires, I have to know why this is happening to me before I do something I'll regret for the rest of my life...I'm sorry Subaru, I have to stay far away from you and everyone else as possible."


Yamamoto: "I don't what is really going on with you but, not everybody can change their ways especially what happened that night."

(Y/n): "That might be true but, I don't know what's happening to me, my demon side is controlling me and it's forcing me to hurt those who I love and care for the most."

Yamamoto: "Then don't fight it, understand it and learn it, find out why this is happening to you before it's too late."

(Y/n): "But what if it is too late? what will I do then? I'm too damaged to saved and I can't change my ways, I'm nothing more than a monster who will continue to kill until her time's up."


Karlheinz: "Your fate is at a close to an end, (Y/n), there's going to come a choice that only you can decide."

(Y/n): "What are you talking about?"

Kino: "He means that your fate is almost fulfilled and there's going to be a decision that only you can make but the question is, will it be the right one?"


???: "Die!! vampire scum!!" *charges at the vampire brothers*

(Y/n): "Leave them alone! it's me you want isn't it?! come and face me instead!"

???: "You can die with them! half breed!!"

(Y/n): "I KILL YOU, MURDERER!!!" *Charges at the enemy*


Yui: "(Y/n)!"

(Y/n): "Go! run get out of here before the fire gets worse!!"

Yui: *Nods her head and begins to run away*


*A beam falls on top of a badly wounded (Y/n)*

Kino: "(Y/n)! get out of there!!"

(Y/n): *Smiles at her friends and Yui* sorry's all over for me...farewell."

Yui: "Please no! ONEE-CHAN!!!!"

A/N Well, what do you guys think? I'm not sure if I'm adding these kinds of sentences in the book but I'm sure you'll get the idea once the book comes out and who do you guys think these new enemies are and can you guess who these hooded people are? hehe, I'll leave that up your imaginations while I work on the final book, Animefan446 signing out!

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