Poker Night

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After last night's events, Ruki finally stopped being frustrated after realising that he and his brothers can't become Adam, however, Yui was no longer in the Mukami Manor because Ruki told me that Ayato had come to the mansion and he took Yui back without even realising that I was here. I wasn't too sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing that he forgot about me but, I'm still happy to be with the Mukami brothers after seeing their childhood pasts I wanted to try and comfort them.

However, I still wondered if the Sakamaki brothers miss me at all since I've been living with the Mukami brothers. It was the weekend and I was wearing (F/c) elbow length jacket, (F/c) crop T-shirt, (F/c) jeans with suspenders and lace-up military boots. I didn't bother to hide my pistols or my knives because I wasn't going anywhere tonight so I kept my knives and pistols hidden under my matress so the boys can't find them.

I was sitting on the window sill staring at the night sky and wondered what was happening back at the Sakamaki mansion until there was a knock on my door.

"Come in."

The opened and Yuma came in.

"Oy, (Y/n) I've been looking for you, we were about to start without you."

"Huh? what were you starting without me?"

"Heh, you'll see, come on!"

Yuma threw me over his shoulder. I frowned and I shouted.

"Hey! put me down Yuma! what do I look like a sack of potatoes to you?!"

Yuma ignored me and he continued to carry me over his shoulder until we got to the living room.

"I've got her Ruki! deal her in!"


I cried out after Yuma dropped me onto the ground. I sat up and I glared at Yuma.

"Goddamnit Yuma!! how many times do I have to tell you to stop doing  that?!"

"Oh stop whining."

I growled under my breath until Azusa came over and he helped me onto my feet. I rubbed my behind and Azusa asked me.

"Are you...all right, (Y/n)-san?"

"I will be just as soon as Yuma stops dropping me onto the ground like that."

Yuma ignored me and then Kou spoke up.

"I hope I remember the rules, it's been a while since we played poker."

I sat down next to Azusa and Ruki spoke up.

"I know it has, (Y/n), do I need to go over the rules for you?"

"No need, I played a little with Boss, Jimmy and Shang, I just hope I remember what some the cards mean."

Azusa looked at me and he spoke up.

"A bit of warning...Ruki tends to be really good at...Poker."

Kou chuckled nervously and he nodded his head.

"Yeah no kidding, we pretty lost all of our pocket money to him the last time when ."

I giggled at this and I then spoke up.

"Well, you'll never know what might happen."

Ruki shuffled the cards and we looked at our cards and we placed our bets as well. We looked at the cards that were in the centre and Yuma spoke up.

"I'm checking."

Kou spoke up.

"I call ten."

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