In this chapter I will be telling you about The Nether and everything that can happen in The Nether. Here you go.
How to get to the Nether
To get to the nether is not an actual crafting recipe. You have to actually build it kind of like the Iron Golem, Snowman, or Wither. To make it you have to have to have at least 10 obsidian or 14 to make it a full portal. You need to have 10-14 obsidian and place it in a rectangle formation. You put 2 obsidian on the bottom (or 4 to make it full) then you can put 2 random blocks right next to the obsidian. then you put 3 obsidian on top of that random block on both sides then you can put another random block on top of that last obsidian on both sides. Then to finish it off you put 2 obsidian in between the two random blocks. To top it off you need a flint and steel then you click the bottom of the Nether portal with the flint and steel and there should be a purple color in between the top and the bottom and you just hop in.
About the Nether
When you come into the Nether you will most likely spawn on top of Nether rock with a bunch of lava around you. Or if you are lucky you will spawn in a building called the Nether Fortress.
This is where you want to go to get blaze rods so you can get Eyes of Ender. There are about 2 Blaze Spawners in a Nether Fortress. You can also find chests in the Nether fortress.
But be warned to NEVER HIT A ZOMBIE PIGMAN. If you do so all the Zombie Pigman in an area will be mad at you and want you dead. BTW Zombie pigman hit 13 hearts of damage in hard mode. There are also a bunch of other mobs that can spawn in the Nether. The Blazes and Ghasts are probably the most annoying ones except that Ghasts can die with one Bow shot. There are also Wither Skeletons ,which I go into more depth in my first chapter, these things can Wither you and you will need to kill these things if you want to fight the Wither you will need 3 of these heads to make the Wither. There are also Magma Cubes which are moderately rare but if killed they drop Magma Cream which is necessary for Potions. Also regular skeletons can take the place of Wither Skeletons in the Nether. Also the last mob is a Chicken Jockey which is a Baby Zombie or Zombie Pigman riding a Chicken kind of like a Spider Jockey.
Things you can find in the Nether
The Nether is necessary to complete the game but you can also get stuff that you can only find in the Nether. Such as Nether Quartz which can give you a lot of levels and can also be used to make some items. The lowest level of pickaxe to mine this ore is a wooden pickaxe so that is good. The nether rock which can be found everywhere if lit on fire will never go out. Also you might find mushrooms growing on Nether Rock. There is also Nether brick which the Nether Fortress is made out of. There is also Soul Sand which if you walk on it you will become much slower and if you put Soul Sand on top of Ice you will go even slower and it can not be crafted into something. Also inside or next to a Nether Fortress you might find Nether Wart (a red like thing) growing on soul sand and Nether Wart is necessary to make potions you can also take the soul sand and Nether Wart back to the regular world and make a farm. There is also Glowstone which is a light source which looks like a yellow light source that spawns in groups in the air and sometimes over lava. The best thing to get this is to make a platform under the glowstone. When you break Glowstone it will turn into 2-4 glowstone powder which if you put 4 together you will get a glowstone block. which is better than torches.
That is the end of this chapter in my Minecraft guide I hope you all enjoyed and learned something new. Bye and have a great day. :)

Minecraft Guide
RandomThis will be a guide on some things you might not know about Minecraft. I will go over as much stuff as I can. So let's see if you know a lot about the basics in Minecraft.