Chapter 6 Mining

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In this chapter I will be teaching you about mining and a lot about everything undergroung such as caves spawners and abandoned min shafts. So let us get to it.

Golden Rule of Minecraft- NEVER DIG STRAIGHT DOWN! That being because you have a chance of falling in lava and losing all of your stuff. If you do this do a two block way down meaning mine one block 2-3 times then the block next to it then the other block again 2-3 times and repeat.

FUN FACT- Minecraft was originally called Cave game!

The Pickaxes durability

Wood Pickaxe- 66 uses

Stone Pickaxe- 132 uses

Iron Pickaxe- 251 uses

Golden Pickaxe- 33 uses

Diamond Pickaxe- 1562 uses


Coal- Can be used to make torches and to fuel furnaces. Most found on layers 5-52.

Iron- Can be used to make a bunch of recipes the one you want the most is Iron armor and an Iron sword. Can also power beacons. Most found on layers 5-54.

Redstone- Cab be used to make a bunch of recipes. Also to make traps or secret doors. Must have an Iron or Diamond Pickaxe to mine. Most found on layers 5-12.

Lapiz Lazuli- Can be used to make some dyes and that is it. It is pretty I guess. Most found on layers 14-16.

Gold- Can be used to make some Crafting Items and some food items. Need an Iron or Diamond Pickaxe to mine. Most found on layers 5-29.

Diamond- The best ore in the game. Is the best item to make tools and armor. Need Iron or Diamond Pickaxe to mine. Most found on layer 5-12.

Emerald- Can be used to trade with villagers and that is it. Yet it is rarer than Diamond. And can only be found in Extreme hills biomes. Need Iron or Diamond Pickaxe to mine. Most found on layers 5-29.

Nether Quartz- Only can be found in the Nether. Most found on layers 15-120.

*All of these ores gives you experience except Gold and Iron.


All the kinds of Caves

Small Cave- These are kind of like a dud cave and sometimes only have small deposits of Iron or Coal. Usually do not connect to other bigger caves.

Medium Caves- These are usually the caves you find and sometime usually have Gold and Lapis along with Iron and Coal. Can also link to other medium caves.

Large caves-These are huge caves and has usually all ores. Usually connect to other cave systems.

Ravines-This is a big crevice in the ground with a bunch of Ores and usually link to other caves. They usually are found above ground but can be found completely underground. Also can be a lava Ravine with lava all at the bottom of the Ravine.

Other stuff Underground

Abandoned Mineshafts- These are things with wood everywhere. It has a chance to have a chest containing all ores plus other stuff like name tags and saddles. The only place you can find cave spiders as they only spawn in spawners in Abandoned Mineshafts.

Mob Spawners- These are Places that can be found in caves that has a spawner that can spawn Zombies, Skeletons, Spider, and Cave Spider spawners. These usually has two or one chest. Can be found by Mossy Cobblestone.

Stronghold- This is the place to find the End Portal which you need to defeat the game. This place usually can be found in caves and there are about 2-3 Strongholds in a Minecraft world. Can be found by Carved Stone. This place has a library which has a bunch of bookshelves and chests which usually have only books and paper.In the End Portal room There is always a Silver Fish spawner.

That is going to be the end of this chapter. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you did come touch that follow button I always enjoy new followers and have a good day. :)

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