No Regrets - Part 11

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I stayed pondering what I should do after Jimin left. He knew I felt something for Yoongi and I had to deal with it. I didn't want to make a mistake I would regret the rest of my life. I hate that I was hurting Jimin but I needed to know how Yoongi really felt about me. I couldn't help how I felt. I couldn't resist him. Is it right? Is it wrong? Is this how he felt too?

Just one kiss had made such a difference.  

My phone rang and I looked to see it was Hobi was calling me. "S'up, Mister, You have great timing."


"Yes, I really need to talk to you.  My life has just imploded."

"Oh geez! I'm at the coffee shop. Can you come to meet me?" He asked.

"The one where Yoongi works?"


"Sure, but it's really important that I find Yoongi. He's leaving today and I need to see him before he goes or I'll regret it for the rest of my life." 

"Well, I guess he feels the same or he wouldn't have asked me to get you here. He was afraid you would say no to him."

"Really? Okay, I will come right now. Wait for me." I said as I hurried to the door.

"I will," he said.  Hobi looked at his phone and shook his head.  He mumbled to himself, "I hope Jimin won't hate me for this."

When I got to the coffee shop I could see Hobi sitting alone at a table looking at his phone. I wondered where Yoongi was. My heart jumped in my chest and I realized I was scared to confront him. By now, I was sure I didn't want him to leave.

I stumbled into the coffee shop and called out to Hobi, "Mister!"

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I stumbled into the coffee shop and called out to Hobi, "Mister!"

Hobi was sitting alone at a table looking at his phone.  He looked up and screeched, "Mister!"

I started calling him Mister when he had become my dance tutor and he playfully returned the term till it became our pet name for each other.  I knew I could confide in him without feeling terrible about myself because he was such an empathetic person.  

I looked around wondering where Yoongi was. My heart jumped in my chest and I realized I was scared to confront him.  By now, I was sure I didn't want him to leave.

"Hi Hobi! I greeted him with a hug. Where is Yoongi?"

"He's coming, but first I wanted to talk to you. Important business! You are my friends after all."

I smiled fondly and nodded my head.

"There are some things I want you to know about Yoongi. He didn't ask me to say this but please give him a chance. He told me that every time he tries to tell you how he feels you don't want to hear it.  I know you!  This is true, isn't it?"


"I try to be his friend and listen to him and my advice was he has to show you how he feels.  My Jennie is a stubborn girl I told him.  She will deny she likes you."

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