Chapter Two

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Shraddha's POV

I can't believe that the holiday we had planned for months has all gone in waste! Beautiful Spain, the beautiful beach, our beautiful five star hotel!

"So when are we going to London?" I ask impatiently.

"In 2 hours." My dad replies.

"Oh well I better go get changed into something more classier and comfortable for the ride." I say and storm off to my room.

Then, Kriti and Alia follow me into my room. We've all got our own rooms.

"How do you think we're going to go to London? In a train? A taxi?" Kriti asks.

"Eww not a train! So middle class!" I say and we all laugh.

2 hours later...

"Girls! Your ride is here!" Katrina shouts from downstairs.

"Good luck my princesses. I'll miss you every moment." Dad says and hugs us all.

"Bye Katrina. We'll miss you." Alia says.

"We won't. She's just saying that because she's too nice." I say.

"Shraddha!" Kriti hisses.

"I'll miss you too Kriti and Alia." Katrina replies.

"Whatever." I say and roll my eyes.

"Dad are you crying?" Alia asks him.

"It's just... you're all so big and grown up. My little girls. Your mum would've been so proud." My dad says.

Then, we hear beeping from outside.

"That's your cue. We'll see you off." Dad says and follows outside our big house.

There's a limo outside our house waiting for us. Eh. I've seen better.

"I love you all. Be safe. And ring me everyday, okay?" My dad says.

"Yes Papa." We all say and hug him.

Then we load our suitcases into the boot and pile into the limo.

There's booth seats both sitting opposite each other. I sit on one side and the Kriti and Alia sit on the other. There's a pouch on each side filled with biscuits, chocolates, crisps and other goodies. There's a rack with chilled drinks.

"Are you ladies excited?" The chaffeur asks.

"Yes! Now drive." I say.

We all wave to Papa until we can't see him anymore.

"You guys are munching on your snacks already?!" I scoff as Alia eats a bar of chocolate, and Kriti eats a biscuit.

"They're divine Shradhs. Come on try one!" Kriti says handing me a biscuit.

"No thanks. I'm on a diet." I say.

"Forget your stupid diet for once Di." Alia says.

"Oka- No actually. Doctor's orders."

"You don't even see a doctor Shraddha!" Alia says.

Alia sleeps for a while, while Kriti binges Netflix on her laptop. I stare at Alia. Her face is just like my innocent mum's face.

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